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Posts posted by rickxy007

  1. Sup peeps!

    I encountered a weird bug while trying to complete the Northern Citadel part:

    As soon as I enter the mausoleum, Krotan starts talking and everyone except the paladin becomes hostile. Not even a dialogue choice. And the journal changes immediately, even before I do something, letting me know I killed everyone and Duke Eltan won't be happy. Is this how the mission supposed to end?

    There must be something wrong, because I had done the quest some time ago, and while it bugged somewhere else, I was able to complete the mausoleum part, and return the body to the lady inside the citadel without any aggro from guards and survivors.

    Help, please? :)

  2. Jastey, sorry for the late reply. I wanted to thank you AFTER I tested it, but I did not end up using the finish quest command. When I tried the increment, it came back with this:

    ('IncrementGlobal(RE1_RainSnow,GLOBAL,1)'), it says that Attempt to call method EVAL is a nil value.


    I'll try the completion command later, see if it works, after I deliver remaining letters. 


    In any case, thanks a lot man, I appreciate it.


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