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Posts posted by Nickop

  1. Seifer, NiGHTMARE, thank you for your answers. I was looking though the Divine Remix .tp2, and I saw that spells are now added through the CLAB file, so I think I can solve each of my problems.


    Anyway, I thought i'd take a break from this kit and try a different one (hopefully more simple).




    For the SAY command for kits I've seen that most use something that looks like this: @81256, instead of typing the name and descprition. Where are these files found?

  2. NiGHTMARE, I checked out the prefix link, but the tables just say 'I am sorry but this table contains no rows.' I tried using Internet Explorer and Firefox, but neither showed anything.


    Edit:Prefix database works properly again now, I'm registered as N_.


    Andyr, I'll try that and see what happens. Does that mean the rest of my file is OK then?




    It works fine now. Now all I have to do is sort out the abilities, alignment and HLA table.

    Also, i'm going to try and make some spindle disks, using a sling with unlimited ammo but very short range.


    Would it be possible for me to make every spell take one round to cast, because Chosen of Deneirs cast using the song of Deneir. Perhaps if I make a 'Book of Universal Harmony' item that can be equipped which has that ability?


    Anyway, thank you everyone for your help, I wouldn't have got this far without you. :)

  3. Ok, I'll type what's in the screenshot (I have some questions about it, i'll put them between //'s):


    'Install Component (Chosen of Deneir)

    [Y]es or [N]o or [Q]uit? y


    Installing [Chosen of Deneir]

    Adding C!Deneir Kit ... // Is the C! what the cleric remix uses?//

    Stopping installation because of error.


    ERROR Installing [Chosen of Deneir], rolling back to previous state

    Will uninstall 0 files for [CHOSEN OF DENEIR/SETUP-CHOSEN OF DENEIR.TP2] component 0.

    Uninstalled 0 files for [CHOSEN OF DENEIR/SETUP-CHOSEN OF DENEIR.TP2] component 0.

    ERROR: Invalid_argument("Filename.chop_extension") //This is the problem then?//

    PLEASE email etc.'


    Onto the .tp2 then. You want the whole file. OK then:


    BACKUP ~Chosen of Deneir/backup~ // so WeiDU can uninstall

    AUTHOR ~nick.owenpetch@googlemail.com~ // contact address if installation fails


    BEGIN ~Chosen of Deneir~ // name of this component


    //internal name of kit

    ADD_KIT ~C!Deneir~


    // appended to CLASWEAP.2da

    ~C!Deneir 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0~


    // appended column-wise to WEAPPROF.2da

    ~C!Deneir 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0~


    // appended to ABCLASRQ.2da

    ~C!Deneir 0 0 0 0 9 0~


    // appended to ABCLSMOD.2da

    ~C!Deneir 0 0 +2 +2 +2 0~


    // appended to ABDCDSRQ.2da

    ~C!Deneir 0 0 0 0 17 0~


    // appended to ABDCSCRQ.2da

    ~C!Deneir 0 0 0 0 15 0~


    // appended to ALIGNMNT.2da

    ~C!Deneir 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0~


    // appended to DUALCLAS.2da

    ~C!Deneir 1 0 1 1 0 1~


    // path to your CLAB-style 2da file



    // PC races and classes allowed to use this kit, from KITTABLE.2da

    ~K_C_D K_C_E K_C_G K_C_H K_C_HE K_C_HL K_C_HO~


    // usability flags, added to the end of the KITLIST.2da entry

    ~0x00004000 3~


    // HLA table to use; see LUABBR.2da

    ~C!3~ //Is this a HLA table from the divine remix?


    // list of starting equipment for PCs starting in ToB. Appended column-wise to 25STWEAP.2da

    ~CHAN09 * HELM07 BAG20 RING06 RING31 * BOOT01 AMUL19 BRAC16 BELT06 AROW11,40 BULL03,40 BOLT06,40 POTN52,5 POTN4,2 POTN14,5 HAM07 SW1H27 STAF08~


    // Lower, mixed, and help kit names and descriptions, added to KITLIST.2da

    SAY ~Chosen of Deneir~

    SAY ~Chosen of Deneir~

    SAY ~CHOSEN OF DENEIR:// I cut this out (too long)


    That's it then. Thanks for the previous help, and I hope you can help with this aswell.

  4. When I tried the feralan file, WeiDU just said 'stopping installation because of error', or somehing along those lines.


    I'm not actually sure if the files I have made are complete,as I've never done this before, so that may be the problem.


    My Setup.TP2 file looks like the one shown in CamDawg's tutorial, except I have replaced the class in that with my class. I didn't really understand the 4th page of the tutorial though.


    My guess is that I've probably missed something out, but as I've never done this before I don't know.


    Thanks for the help so far.

  5. Hello all, I'm new to modding and I have been following CamDawg's excellent tutorial, and I've been trying to make a new cleric kit, the Chosen of Deneir.


    I'm not sure how to save a file in 2da format. I might have missed something in the tutorial but I have no idea how to do this. I accidentally saved the CLAB file as a TP2 file.


    Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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