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Posts posted by DarionStarblade

  1. Thanks!


    Now to admit my super-noob status (as if my dearth of comments weren't indication enough), where do I find a dltcep with a language combobox? I downloaded the "latest" edition from Sourceforge (dated Aug 2014), but I don't see a 'use language' checkbox. Do I need to track down an older/different edition?


    It's too bad that InfinityExplorer doesn't work with EE games.... I already knew how to use that from my BGII-ToB modding days....


    Sorry to be a bother. Thanks again.

  2. Sorry to resurrect this, but how do I specify the language in the WeiDU Menu for an EE game? I went into the WeiDU options and added "--use-lang en_US" to the additional parameters section in the DLTCEP window (without the quotes, of course) but it still loads only the factory-original dialogue content. The dialogue tree editor gives me a laundry list of "invalid references" for all the BG NPC Project added dialogue. Will it not display modded content? Or, more likely, I'm just an idiot and don't know how to code the language reference properly/in the proper place.


    I think it's finding the .tlk file because it displays *some* content. It seems to just omit all the mod-added content without ignoring the dialogue tree structure (i.e., it shows the hierarchy of text and response but has "invalid reference" rather than actual content in the tree).



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