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Posts posted by Varwulf

  1. IWDEE-in-EET is not ready yet, pointing him there is not helpful.


    If you want to to use the Song & Silence mod with IWDEE, worst-case scenario, you have to open the .tp2 file with a good text editor and do a find/replace operation changing






    "bgee iwdee"


    ...everywhere there is a "GAME_IS ~..." clause.


    Best-case scenario, you don't even have to do that. Just install it and play. I forget whether it's necessary, but I have definitely played IWDEE with S&S so it's certainly possible. You won't get the items or stores, but you'll get the kits and tweaks.


    If you have a hard time making it work, and you want new kits for thieves and bards, try Might & Guile, a mod I made to replace S&S when it wasn't compatible with the EEs.


    Thank you sir, this is exactly the answer I was looking for. Though the other posts mentioning the IWDEE-EET mod were useful, this is precisely what I was hoping to hear.



  2. Greetings friends. I won't waste much of your time and just cut right to the chase. Some time ago (year or two) I read a post on some forum regarding this great mod's compatibility with Icewind Dale, but I've not found any evidence recently to confirm or deny this (other than compatibility lists leaving Icewind Dale out of it).


    I was just hoping for a quick confirmation or denial on that matter. I certainly appreciate your time! :)

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