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Posts posted by BlackTalons

  1. I'm trying to trace an issue in my install and I need help confirming my suspicions. When using the innate metamagic component, the metamagic spells seem to use the average level of the character. This is only an issue with dual classes, and then only an issue with plain Contingency, since its the only metamagic spell that scales with level. Tested it with fresh characters dualed to wizard at different levels and the behavior seems to be consistent. Could this be because its cast as an innate ability?

  2. I had an idea for a mod about fighting style bonuses but it rellies in something I have never seen before. I wanted to post it here in hopes people who works with the items code knows if its posible, or if I just should give up on it.

    Is it posible to make a buckler count as "single weapon style" when equiped? I would like to have a style that works either by having a single one handed weapon equiped, or such weapon and a buckler. This style would be diferent than having a weapon plus a bigger shield or two weapons. Given the case, it could also be paired with other items such as harps, books, etc.

    Anyone knows if it can be done? Or are items and styles so hardcoded into the game that there's no way to make it work without some loopholes in it?

  3. On a clean install of SR v4beta16 on BGIIEE v2.5 I have found extra instances of Mestil's Acid Sheath and Monster Summoning II at character creation or sorcerer spell selection. I only selected the first "install spell revisions" component. Here's a Weidu log and a screenshot for good measure.

    The log:



    // Log of Currently Installed WeiDU Mods
    // The top of the file is the 'oldest' mod
    // ~TP2_File~ #language_number #component_number // [Subcomponent Name -> ] Component Name [ : Version]
    ~SPELL_REV/SETUP-SPELL_REV.TP2~ #0 #0 // Spell Revisions: v4 Beta 16




  4. Found a bug that carries over from SR b16: there are extra instances of Mestil's Acid Sheath and Monster Summoning IV at fourth level in the arcane spellbook at character creation. In normal SR its MS II, in SR-R its MS IV. They share the same descriptions as the moded versions. Also, the scroll for Monster Summoning VII has an old icon, diferent than the other MS scrolls.

  5. Not sure if posting this here, but in beta 16 I'm getting an extra Monster Summoning II and Mestil's Acid Sheath (lvl 5 by description) at 4th level in the mage's spellbook. they share the same descriptions as the SR versions and work the same way.

  6. I'm not sure in what state of development is this mod anymore, but I would like to see PfMW removed. It trivializes both mantle spells while being 1/2 spell slots lower, it hinders magical touch attacks forcing messy workarounds and it's suposed disadvantage is a royal pain for inventory management. The mantle spells should be enough to deal with magical weapons if only for a short time and there's really no need to leave a protection gap for mundane weapons, dispel should sufice as it did with PfMW. Mantle can even be made progresive to free spell slots for other stuff.

  7. I made a version of the mod that strips it of almost all 1pp graphics changes and reverts it back to vanilla (...) Would anyone be interested in it, or at least taking a look at it?

    I would like to have a look at it and posibly integrate it into my current install.


    Did you make any changes to the gauntlets of weapon expertise? In my bgee version the "bonus melee damage" effect doesn't work at all, I had to work around it by adding damage to all weapons and substracting from ranged only. While it works, it's very ugly a solution.

  8. Not sure if it counts as feedback, more like a sugestion? I was browsing the item lists and noticed Lilarcor parcticaly untouched. I have an idea to balance it in the form of a -2 reputation drop, similar to Viconia's when she joins the party. Given its constant calls for blood, it sort of makes sense that people would suspect of anyone brandishing the weapon.


    Because reputation changes are more limited in BGII, it could be a decent penalty for an early weapon for both evil and good parties. Between the increased shop prices and the cost of buying your reputation back, Lilarcor would force most to take some detours before picking it up. Evil in particular could get dangerously low by picking all Dorn, Viconia and Lilarcor in one sitting so they would need to pad their reputation a bit or risk fighting the guards early on.


    The problem with this would be scripting the reputation drop to work whenever its picked up, or rise when its disposed off, I don't know if its posible. Otherwise you could give it a -2 charisma/inteligence or even a new -x reaction if it were posible, though not nearly as efective.

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