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Ease-of-Use AI and Kelsey the disobedient

Guest Icarian

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Guest Icarian

I like this script. The character modes are quite handy.


I also like Kelsey.


However, Kelsey doesn't seem to like the script at all. Firstly, his "debug" command is bound to [K], a binding normally used for activating the no-melee mode (thus rendering it useless). That wasn't such a big deal. I changed the no-melee binding to [E] and reinstalled the component, which solved the problem.


Unfortunately, I've noticed that he also ignores the auto-buff command. While Jan (and all other spellcasters, it seems) immediately cast armor and stoneskin after resting, Kelsey just sits there staring at his feet.


I tried toggling it on and off, giving him a different script, then going back to Ease-of-Use, but nothing helps. Is there a way to fix it?

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