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"Cure Charm"


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Trying to implement a spell able to "cure" a charmed creature I've encountered a few issues which I'm going to share hoping to be useful...or to be helped! :crazyeyes:


A "cure charm" effect within SR has been already successfully implemented for the 9th level spell Freedom, simply applying a "charm creature" effect with "TargetParty" as target.


The issues arise when I want to implement it on a spell which is supposed to affect a single target, Break Enchantment. The problem is that we don't want this "charm effect" to work on an "un-charmed" enemy, because that would actually end up charming the creature with a spell which is supposed to cure the charmed state.


I've tried to use an .EFF file (with the 'charm creature' opcode) applied on target with the help of EA IDS entries (as I did to revise Otiluke's Resilient Sphere) but unfortunately I discovered that with both CHARMED (5) and CONTROLLED (6) entries the .EFF file wasn't affecting my charmed subject. After trying all IDS entries I've discovered that the .EFF was applied with ENEMY (255).


In conclusion, a "charmed party memeber" seems to be considered ENEMY instead of CHARMED or CONTROLLED.



P.S If anyone has a brilliant idea/workaround let me know, else I'll simply give up adding this feature to this spell.


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