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Shar-Teel stalling


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After a two-year hiatus due to intractable graphic issues, I've managed to get BG running again. Almost, anyway.


I decided to start a new male <charname>, and decided to recruit, among others, Branwen and Shar-Teel into my party. Originally I hired Shar-Teel because I needed a decent tank, but her romance tripped first; when I was above 10 reputation, oddly enough.


Or so it seemed. LT0 went off, and subsequently talking with her revealed the flirt options, but nothing else has been forthcoming, no matter where I rest. Branwen's romance is not active and none of its variables are present in the save, and I have also since lowered my reputation, to no avail.


X#SHARMORNING1 is at 2, as is X#SHMALE. The rest, save the timer variables, are at 1. Tweaking either of the aforementioned to one either sets LT0 to start or sets the morning-after dialogue to start, setting these two variables back where they were after that. What's going on here?


Failing fixing this issue, would firing Shar-Teel let me start the Branwen romance instead? If not, how would I go about that?

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