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IWD2 widescreen isue

Guest Daelomin

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Guest Daelomin

@the bigg


I wrote:


Hi there,


I'm having an issue with the widescreen mod where it installs fine, but the GUI seems messed up. The bar is all pushed to the left side of the screen and doesn't span the entire width. Is this how it's supposed to be?


Image: http://img153.imageshack.us/i/iwd2.jpg/




You wrote:


People who don't read stickies don't deserve help.



Well, actually, I did read all the stickies. And I believe what you're referring to is:


Not all the GUIs are ported in the optimal way to the larger resolution. The main GUI (where you choose "Start Game", "Options",...) as well all various screens ("Load", "Mage Spells"...) are centered, with a black cover (SoA, HoW, ToB, IWD2) or forced to the upper left (PST, TotSC). The main game GUI (where you can move your characters, attack people etc.) is stretched properly, enlarging even the dialogue screen (SoA, ToB, HoW) or might display black bars (PST, IWD2, TotSC).


However, as you can see in my screenshot, my display does NOT fit the description for IWD2: the main GUI is not "centred" at all. So, I ask again, is this the way it's supposed to be or something? I could deal with centred and black bars on each side, but having it all the way over to the left is kind of annoying. And if this IS the way it's supposed to be, your sticky needs to be updated because it's not an accurate description as is.



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You didn't read very carefully then.


Not all the GUIs are ported in the optimal way to the larger resolution. The main GUI (where you choose "Start Game", "Options",...) as well all various screens ("Load", "Mage Spells"...) are centered, with a black cover (SoA, HoW, ToB, IWD2) or forced to the upper left (PST, TotSC). The main game GUI (where you can move your characters, attack people etc.) is stretched properly, enlarging even the dialogue screen (SoA, ToB, HoW) or might display black bars (PST, IWD2, TotSC).
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