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Moving a modded save between computers?

Guest Elle

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I'd like, if possible, to move my PS:T save (GOG version) from my netbook to my desktop. Problem is, desktop isn't a wide screen monitor and doesn't support 1024x600 as a resolution (I tried it anyway and the game ran with corrupted graphics). On the desktop, with the saves copied from the netbook, running it unmodded or running it with the resolution changed with the patcher to a non-widescreen mode crashes the game when I load the saves. I've read the docs and I realize I maybe asking the impossible but I figure it can't hurt to ask.

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Newer versions (> 3.00) of Widescreen can convert saves between different screen sizes at the cost of making all your areas become unexplored (and having to repeat the process every time you move the save). Moreover, you can choose a 'save' resolution which is higher than all 'game' areas you're interested in, so that you can transparently move your saves.

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