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[ITALIAN] testers sought for 'Stivan the Hunter' NPC mod

the bigg

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I and Giuseppe have finished writing (and CLUA-testing) the SoA portion of our 'Stivan the Hunter' NPC, and are looking for play testers.


Some info about the NPC:

portrait (by Nix)


Stivan is an Halfling, a Chaotic Neutral Fighter/Thief, a possible party member for the entirety of SoA and ToB (ToB content planned but not written or coded). He has the usual assortment of NPC banters, interjections, quests, and friendship tracks. He doesn't have irresolvable party conflicts, except with a Legal Good Anomen.


He is the son of a wealthy wine merchant, he lost his family to a unexplained seagull attack, and was subsequently cheated out of his inheritance by his father's business partner. He was thus forced to live on the streets, scraping a living whatever way he could (mainly by killing seagulls and selling their feathers). He joined CHARNAME for a chance out of a life of poverty, as well as for an ally against the "feathered enemy".


Note for the worried: although personal experiences might differ (and his bio looks suspicious), I'm sufficiently convinced that he's not Stu-ish; at the very least, he doesn't spend 90% of his dialogues whining about his loss (a la Aerie) or talking about seagulls (a la Jan), and he definitively doesn't "win" 90% of his banters.


He joins the party at first level (to allow you to better allocate his thieving abilities), but with 161.000 XP (enough to jump at F7 / T8 as soon as he joins the party).




* STR 14

* DEX 19

* CON 16

* INT 13

* WIS 8

* CHR 10


He starts out specialized in Short Sword and Sling, with some points spent in Pick Pockets, Move Silently and Hide in Shadows.


Sample banter 1 (Italian):

Stivan ~Muori, fetido gabbiano! E anche tu, schifido volatile! Tu non sei da meno, vomitevole pennuto!~

Haer Dalis ~Devo riconoscere che il tuo approccio verso i gabbiani è all'insegna dell'affetto, Stivan. Potresti dirmi, di grazia, perchè li disprezzi così tanto?~

Stivan ~Hanno ucciso i miei familiari! Hanno pasteggiato con i loro corpi e si sono appoiallati sulle loro carcasse! Come potrei non odiarli?!~

Haer Dalis ~Hmm... Comportamento piuttosto insolito per dei pennuti. Ad ogni modo, chi odia ama, mio gabbiano.~

Stivan ~*Non* chiamarmi gabbiano!~

Haer Dalis ~Ormai è deciso, Stivan. Tu sarai il mio uccello di mare.~

Stivan ~Ti ho detto che non vogl--~

Haer Dalis ~Sì sì sì. Non avrei potuto scegliere un nome migliore.~


Sample banter 2 (also in Italian):

Stivan ~(Sniff sniff) Cos’è questo fetore?~

Keldorn ~Ogni angolo di questo posto è impregnato dell’odore del male. Suggerisco di avanzare con cautela.~

Stivan ~Heh. Io pensavo che avessi fatto una puzzetta, paladino!~

Keldorn ~...~


The mod is written in Italian and not translated in English (indeed, it is not traified), and I don't plan to translate it to English until the first round of play-testing.


Any interested players can contact me by posting here, PMing or emailing me.

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