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Discusion: Improved Anvil v6.2 Enhanced Edition released


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Thanks. I know how to shadowkeeper my savegame; honestly I didn't try it because I thought there were some failsafe that would have ruined my savegame or whatever. I read so many conflicting things about the anticheat measures adopted that I wasn't sure about what can be done and what can't


Shadowkeeper has been known to corrupt stuff, IIRC. Near Infinity is pretty save if you know what you are doing.



I wonder: I was checking the forum and they tell to use 1) a custom party 2) avoid using multiclassed people and single class cleric (so no jan and viconia for example). Do you agree?


Mostly covered by Drizzt, not much to add. Having custom chars gives you more power. Personally, I don't like using custom chars that's why I've put some work into making in-game NPCs work well. I'd say they would allow you to build a strong party. In the future, I would like to see all in-game NPCs as viable party choices (maybe, with exception of Hexxat, I don't like her on a conceptual level, like I never did Weimer's Valen). Maybe also an optional component that allows to customise chars to a certain degree (e.g. make Minsc a dual-wielding barbarian, stuff like that) unless someone finds courage to get Level1 NPCs work with the EEs (it should function well in ToB, however, and even plays well with IA).


Multi-classes were very powerful in IAv5, then they got heavily nerfed for V6. Something will be done in the future, but I cannot give a better estimate on what exactly and when. Same goes for bards and rogues with exception of Swashbuckler, it's a strong choice if you want a full-time thief in your party.


Single-class clerics are okay and could be used. But they are kind of bleak and cannot pack a punch like an R-C or B-C dual-class. That's why players usually prefer to use either those, Anomen or Cernd. Now Jaheira's pretty solid too.

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