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Backstab effects dependant on used items

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I'd like to change backstab so it doesn't multiply damage, but applies some effects. I see opcode 

#340 (0x154) Spell Effect: Change Backstab Effect

Which might be what I need, but ideally I'd like to have some effects of backstab only when some items are equipped. Let's say for example that standard backstab should deal additional 20 dmg, when "the night's gift +5" is worn, it should additionally stun the enemy and with dagger of the start it should poison the enemy. Simple using opcode 340 on those items won't work, since I want the effects to be cumulative. Is there a way to do that?

Thank you for your help :)

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1) Set all backstabs to x1 (probably can just modify .2da tables)

2) Set every weapon (or every backstabbable weapon) to apply opcode 340 with 'while equipped' timing mode, applying an effect doing 20 damage

3) whichever items you want to apply additional effects, have them apply more opcode 340 effects with 'while equipped' timing, doing different effects.

That assumes the multiple opcode 340 effects can stack.  If not, you would need to get funky.



Simple using opcode 340 on those items won't work, since I want the effects to be cumulative

Does this mean you tested it and the cumulative effects didn't work?

If that's the case, then I would apply the backstab effects on most weapons as a repeating .EFF, and have the special items grant 206 immunity against that .EFF, and apply both the damage and the secondary effect in a single spell.

Edited by subtledoctor
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