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About subtledoctor

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  • Mods Worked On
    Might & Guile
    Faiths & Powers
    Tome & Blood
    Combat Skills & Proficiencies
    SubtleD's Tweaks
    Will to Power
    Mac Weidu Launcher

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  1. Just open that file in NI, or find it in your override drive and open it in a text editor. It is a table that should make out a rectangle - if anything is wrong it should be very visually obvious, and easy to fix. If all else fails, upload it here.
  2. I have been on vacation lately, largely away from devices; and unfortunately, the only way to achieve an actual vacation is to be insanely busy with work before and after it. So, not much time to play BG. I did look at it the other night to see where I left off... which was right before the Black Hearts mirror quest. And I decided to put together a "Fix Black Hearts" mod, because of course the urge to mod is stronger than the urge to play. On my list of things to fix: Let clerics other than Viconia/Branwen/Yeslick handle the cursed mirror Fix quest/dialogue progression in Nerys' house Fix the WI0006.ARE script in EET games Remove overly generous loot from Thayan thugs Prevent Illasera's last appearance in EET games (actually, I'm not sure how to do this one...) So you can look for that soon... well, soonish. Summertime responsibilities are still keeping me away from devices more than usual. This is wonderfully condescending. But if clarity is really needed, the "sigh" was not conveying any kind of constructive criticism, it was quite intentionally conveying exasperation. I don't need a communication coach, thanks though!
  3. Huh, I thought I remembered something from a long-ago discussion about component placement of IWD spells in SCS, but maybe I misremember. Or maybe it was only about certain categories of mods. I apologize if that was an inaccurate supposition. The programming thing I guess was an assumption based on the guess that stuff like this and this were unlikely to be from someone who is self-taught. But, I am occasionally wrong! That's ridiculous. Trying to gin up a fight? Stir the pot a bit? Eh, nice try.
  4. Could be done fairly easily and maintain compatibility if using the function I already published for this sort of thing. Could even limit it to leather of chain or the like, for balance.
  5. Cannot reproduce - the component installs fine for me. Sounds like your MXSPLPAL.2da table is malformed - but I can't tell what other mod might have done it. I just installed FnP spell tables with this mod and it installs fine. Maybe pause your install before this component, manually check MSXSPLPAL.2da and fix if necessary, then resume installing.
  6. It probably doesn't cause a problem, but you likely should not mix these two mods. They were both created after a single conversation about the "plus" denominations, IIRC, and they both cover the same ground, except my mod goes a bit further into functional changes to go along with the cosmetic changes. I don't think the CDTweaks component does anything that my mod doesn't already do.
  7. Huh. It didn't do that for me: Whistling Sword Which is interesting. A bit more investigation: in BG2EE (and I think also in BG2, ToB, BGT, and TuTu) this is a simple unnamed "Short Sword +2" which is indeed supposed to be reduced to a Mastercraft Short Sword. In BGEE, however, it becomes a named artifact with particular lore. In EET the named BGEE version becomes SW1H09_.ITM, which means its named version is retained while the generic SW1H09.ITM is reduced in power. So everything seems to be working properly unless you are playing BGEE. So I will add a carve-out there.
  8. SR modifies a few of the vanilla spells, and adds a few spells. Olvynspells just adds some new spells. So they are completely independent of one another.
  9. Sigh. I said I have modified versions of Cassia, Kahiri, Turald - i.e. not your mods. So, specifically did not announce anything about your mods - because you asked me not to do that. (For a very generous definition of “asked.”) I think it’s great you are productive. Seriously. But I wish more people were as productive. That’s nothing against you. Fair enough. They collaborate with other authors - with certain other authors - but there used to be more community engagement. Modders working with other modders is great, but 1) it contributes to the clubby atmosphere that Morpheus found maddening, and 2) it doesn’t involve engagement with players. Maybe I’m just nostalgic, but I feel like there used to be more give-and-take with the community on the forums. Like, look at Black Hearts. For my money it might be the single best mod out there. But it is by no means perfect. I have criticism of certain aspects of its encounter design. But I am not seeing anywhere to discuss that. Likewise, while Lava’s mods are extremely high quality, I have constructive criticism. They could be better! Encounter design, writing, item design, etc. But there doesn’t seem to be an effective way to communicate it. So, I will resort to a thread like this, giving feedback from the perspective of a player - warts and all! I will try to make commentary as specific as possible so it is more likely to be helpful. I am not always great about that, I understand, as I tend to play a bunch of small 5-10 minute sessions before getting to a keyboard to post, and some small things that irked me in the moment are forgotten by the time I get to the forums, leaving me with vague feelings that may not be helpful. I will try to be better about that.
  10. I have versions of some that install and play on IWD-in-EET. E.g. Cassis, Kahiri, Turald. But I do not have permission to share variants of these mods; and for the ones by lava in particular I do not even have permission to modify them on my own local hard drive…! I have expressed elsewhere how fucking bonkers that is, but to the extent they don’t want modified versions up on the internet, I respect that. Unfortunately there is no way for me to submit pull requests, and lava will not entertain discussions of changes to make the mods work on both platforms. Not a big deal for me because I now have the skills to tweak things; but it mean most players are SOL. As an aside, I should note that, while I lavished praise on Shades of the Sword Coast two years ago because it’s great to have more content and it is a step above DSotSC/NTotSC in quality; in this run I have found myself skipping 50% or more of the Shades quests. It’s just getting stale. Which brings me to the larger issue that, while it’s great there are still mods being made, it’s sad that the sources of those mods has become so concentrated. New mods by lava? Great! And look, Acifer released a mod… oh, by lava. And there are new quests in The Calling! …outsourced to lava. I would so love to have more content from more people. But it seems like lava is the only option. And now every NPC in my game… well, talks… like this. And of course lava has sequestered their mods on their own site, and there is Artemius1 with mods on their own site, now Morpheus has taken his stuff to his own site, and no one is talking to each other. Useful feedback is reduced, collaborative brainstorming is near-impossible, and information-sharing for the sake of compatibility is more difficult. It honestly reminds me of… Roxanne? You’ve got these people with great skills, but they take their stuff to separate sites and there is less useful communication. Does everyone really want to be following Roxanne’s example?? Anyway, that’s not to complain too much. BGEE with BGQE, ACQuest, SotSC, BST, Black Hearts, and Gorgon’s Eye (and, if I do say so, BP-in-BG and Reflections) is more fun than any compilation I’ve used before.
  11. It’s great - I’d even say properly OP - if you are over-leveled. It’s dog poop if you are under-leveled. I personally don’t like how variable its utility is (and, I like playing a bit under-leveled), so I don’t use it much.
  12. SI Abj. doesn’t actually do much… doesn’t it basically block Breach and Remove/Dispel Magic? I suppose it forces you into magic duels instead of using the dumb “Breach + pound” tactic… but IIRC doesn’t SCS make all spell protections block Breach? In which case SI Abj. adds very little, and it is quite reasonable for mages to ignore it.
  13. My very rough thought is: the “Dee’s Permanent Thieving Button” for cleric/thieves adds a UI element which triggers a virtual keypress, which is bound to the thieving ability. So maybe it would be possible to add a new UI element covering the Rest button, which runs a script to heal the party, and then 1) if the party still has damage it would do a scripted Rest action; or 2) if the party is healed it would trigger a virtual keypress which triggers the actual proper (hidden) Rest button. So the interruptions and dreams etc. would still happen, if you get to full health during that process. Hm, that would not address resting at an inn, though…
  14. You don’t need to install anything. Put it in your game directory, put some mod folders in your game directory (not executables - just the folder with the mod’s name and the mod data inside), and double-click the MWL. The MWL is not really an “executable” - it is a double-clickable Applescript that displays a list and builds a .command script based on your choice, and then sends that script to the Terminal app. Nothing needs to be installed, nothing needs more than write privileges (I think), and you can copy it as much as you like and run it from any game directory. You do need to make sure the game directory and any/all subfolders are set to read+write access. If necessary, you can copy the game directory to your home folder, desktop, or a similar place where you have full privileges. EDIT - I suppose the Weidu executable itself needs execute privileges. But the MWL ships with a copy of it and I’m pretty sure I set it to +x already… unless it gets changed when you download the file…? It’s hard for me to keep up with Apple’s ever-increasing security measures. I did set up a new MacOS install in 2023 (Big Sur? Monterey?), and simply downloading the MWL and running it from a BG2EE game directory worked fine…
  15. When I am a max level psionicist I will know ~60 powers and have ~120 PSPs, which means ~7,200 memorized spells. I get aggressive with this engine
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