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Error trying to install SCS

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As some might have seen in another thread, I've been looking for mods for BG2EE 1.3. I've found a few and I'm now looking to install them. I did a fresh install of BG2EE 1.3 and started with the usual installation order. I installed Ascension, a few story mods (only Assassinations is new), lots of new NPC mods as they were my main point of focus, CD Tweaks, SCS with the Ascension workaround where I edit initial.tpa). However, when I then started installing SCS, I got this error:




Anyone know what's wrong or if there's a workaround? I've never encountered that error before.


For the record I'm of course using the same versions of Ascension, SCS and CD tweaks that normally work for me.


Edit: Tried to setup SCS once more and now it seems like it's installing the way it is supposed to. If it works, thread can be deleted and I'm sorry for the inconvenience. I'll be back with an update as soon as install is completed/disrupted.


Edit2: Everything works now, I don't know what happened the first time. Terribly sorry for the inconvenience, mods feel free to delete the thread. 

Edited by Karlstegger
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