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Is it possible to lower morale as melee hit effect?

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I'm trying to set up a melee hit effect that lowers morale by one with each hit. 

I'm trying to use opcode 23 but I note in BGEE and BG2EE it's labeled as reset morale while in IWDEE it's labeled as bonus morale.

According to Nearinfinity  parameter 1 and 2 of opcode 23 are unused in BGEE/BG2E, this I'm unsure how to set it up, any assistance would be appreciated.



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Here's the IESDP description for opcode 23:



#23 (0x17) Stat: Morale Modifier Variants: BG2 
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Special: Mode

Applies the modifier value specified by the Statistic Modifier field in the style specified by the Type field. 
Known values for Type are:
  • 0 ⟶ Cumulative Modifier: Morale = Morale + 'Statistic Modifier' value
  • 1 ⟶ Flat Value Modifier: Morale = 'Statistic Modifier' value
  • 2 ⟶ Percentage Modifier: Morale = (Morale * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100

Statistic Modifier can be positive or negative. 

At least in EEs, known values for Mode are:
  • 0 ⟶ BG2 mode – It's hardcoded to fill the following values:
    • Statistic Modifier = 10
    • Type = 1
    • m_done = 1 (internal field that immediately removes the effect from creature, no matter duration)
    • In addition, it checks if the creature is berserking, and if it is, it returns without doing anything.
  • 1 ⟶ BG1 mode – Default (functions as expected)
Note: Any Morale-based effect (i.e. Panic) may be added or removed by this effect.


Which would indicate that, in the EE, setting parameter 2 to 0 would allow you to add or subtract to morale based on parameter 1. There is one spell which uses this in the BG series; bdwight in SoD. Which undermines it by not setting the "Mode" parameter to 1, and then isn't actually used. Other than that, it appears to be basically exactly what you're interested in.

Don't take Near Infinity as the final authority here. I'd trust the IESDP more on what those parameters do.

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