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Is a multiplayer two army battle possible? With one player controlling one army and a second controlling the other?

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First thing, I'm a noob at editing using NI, so please be gentle if my questions are dumb. Using EEKeeper and CLUA, a few months ago I created a savegame with two opposing armies. One army I controlled by making certain soldiers controllable or "green circles" in EEK. I outfitted them robustly and juiced up their stats, then CLUA spawned about 15 of them. Then I CLUA spawned a bunch of juiced up "red circle" enemies across the map out of view. My PC and party buffed the green circle soldiers and I sent them to fight the red circles. It works pretty well, when the red see the green they fire off their buff spells and all hell breaks loose in a good way. It's a lot of fun managing the in's and out's of the battle. Granted, it's a really kludgy setup but then I have barely any modding experience to speak of.

It got me to wondering, though. Would it be possible to set up a multiplayer map with two armies, one controlled by one player and the opposing army controlled by a guest player? I figured NI would be best for this, if it's at all possible, because I understand that NI is much more in-depth than EEK. I've been poking around in NI with little progress to show for my efforts. I haven't been able to even open up a saved multiplayer game in NI, so that would be a great place to start I guess. I'm assuming something like this would require the insights of a real NI ninja.

Any help is appreciated.

Edited by piersverare
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