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Area Creation


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Ok. My BG2 mod adds a couple of quests and I need 3 maps created. I don't mind if one person does all 3 or if I have 2 or 3 people doing them. I have no deadline, so please feel free take your time.


1. An outdoor area. Temple of Arvoreen near the SW corner. Small outdoor camp area out side a cave near the NE. Slightly hilly would be good. Need a decent spot for fighting to the north of the temple.


2. Inside the Temple of Arvoreen. Entry/Exit from main chamber. Two smaller rooms off to each side. They should be roughly half the length of the main chamber.


3. A small cave. An edit of the Temple Ruins cave with the werewolf would do, just remove the water and make it look a bit more original.


Any and all help is, of course, appreciated.



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