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Posts posted by semiticgod

  1. I'm using 33.6 and I'm having trouble dealing with Kangaxx again. In the past I keep running into a bug where Kangaxx won't die and transform. I used to think it was because of Protection from Undead scrolls, but it happens even when I don't use them at all, on any party members. I'll Breach him early on (I have multiple arcane spellcasters and the difficulty is on Tactical) and then quickly bring him down to Near Death, but he keeps on casting spells, even if they get disrupted over and over again. Even healing him and bringing him back down to Near Death won't trigger his transformation.

    EDIT: I managed to get around it by changing his script so that it checks to see if he's at less than 10 HP, instead of exactly at 1 HP. Maybe the larger window is necessary given his regeneration from the ring. I had to spawn a new version of him, though; creatures can't be changed by Near Infinity in a save game if they were already loaded before the change. It's a simple preventative measure, but otherwise it seems Kangaxx is just randomly immortal.

  2. I installed Ascension->CDTweaks->SCS->Jimfix on a clean install and I have a lot of bugged string references. All of the new IWD spells and the Jimfix notifications are mixed up. Reinstalling SCS and Jimfix doesn't change it. The game is still playable, but I'm missing a fair amount of information. Any idea what might be causing it?

  3. I heard from @histamiini over at the Beamdog forums that the new Ascension fight no longer grants a "rest" effect when you activate the energy pools at the Throne. Is this intended behavior? I ask because it's a big change to the metagame, and some solo runs wouldn't be entirely viable anymore without those rests.

    The energy pool platforms are also closed off after the Five arrived, removing the exploit of isolating the Five but introducing the exploit of teleporting to a platform where only Illasera and Melissan can reach you.

  4. Hey all! I'm having a little trouble updating to the most version. I previously worked with the RC10, or whatever it was called, and I've downloaded the current version since then. Everything reinstalls fine except for a few components related to Ascension, starting with the Smarter Melissan component and a problem with the gate5.spl file. My debug file is attached. Any idea what I can do?

    EDIT: Also, is it possible I can change my username to semiticgod? (it's me from the Beamdog forums)



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