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Everything posted by LateToTheParty

  1. Hi everyone! I'm new to Baldur's Gate, and I'm trying to set up some mods for my first playthrough of BGEE. I'm on Linux, and I tried the Linux version first, but I had trouble trying to get WeiDu to work, so I switched to the Windows version (which I installed using Wine). The mod installers seem to work fine with Wine, but SCS (which was last on my install order) has thrown error messages / stopped installing for the two modules that I tried to install (IWD arcane spells, nonmagical +1 arrows). I tried searching for parse errors during SCS installations, and I found this thread from 2007, but I don't have the Improved Battles mod installed. This is my modlist, listed in install order: lefreut's Enhanced UI EEUI Tweaks BGEE Classic Movies Convenient Enhanced Edition NPCs Northern Tales of the Sword Coast Baldur's Gate Mini Quests and Encounters BG1 Romantic Encounters Lure of the Sirine's Call BG1 Unfinished Business Chatty Imoen BG1NPC Coran's BG1 Extended Friendship Talks BG1NPC music Ajantis BG1 Expansion Mod Xan's Friendship Path Gavin NPC Rogue Rebalance Distinguishable Clubs Nerfed Ankheg Armor Tweaks Anthology Sword Coast Stratagems [IWD spells] Portraits Portraits Everywhere Continous Viconia Appearance Sword Coast Stratagems [other components] The latest debug file is attached to this post. How does this look to those of you with modding experience? People have apparently used Wine to run the original trilogy with mods, but is running modded BGEE with Wine just a bad idea? Or is some other mod causing the issue? EDIT: I got around this issue by switching from BGEE to BGT. I installed BGT on Linux by installing the GOG versions of BG1 and 2 with Wine, following the virtual disk method in this guide (I had to repeat the "mount it in case sensitive mode" step of this guide after every reboot) for setting up modding on Linux, entering the command "WINEPREFIX=your-full-path-to-your-bg2-prefix-directory-goes-here" in the terminal before installing any mods (you have to repeat this after every reboot if you reboot between installations), and then running the Windows mod installers with Wine (using totally normal Wine commands, like sudo wine setup-modname.exe). For the BGT installation, when it asked for the path to BG1, I had to use forward slashes instead of backslashes. SETUP-STRATAGEMS.DEBUG
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