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Posts posted by LichDiet

  1. @morpheus562  Understood.  Sorry you feel this way, but I respect your concerns and making them known.  No hard feelings, I hope.  I enjoy your work and the mod you developed.  So, thanks for doing that, as a fan of the game and a player.  

    I have no influence or any connection with any business side of Fandom.  I'm merely a content editor related to BG games.  I'm unpaid and have no hidden financial incentive to link to a mod.   It was all about info for the reader and fan to alert them to an available mod.


  2. @morpheus562, regarding your wish to not have a link page to your wonderful Tactics Remix mod on the Fandom BG wiki - perhaps I can help, or at least lobby for it.

    As a fan and player of this mod, as well as others offered via G3, I'm personally happy to tell other players about your mod.   And have done so on Reddit and a few other BG related discussion boards.  Such is the nature of players and being social.   We've even chatted on Reddit a few times.

    Rather than try and sway you to change your mind about your view of Fandom and monetization (it definitely does get revenue through advertisements), I can certainly try and resolve this issue for you as I'm a volunteer editor over at the Wiki.

    How would you feel though, if another article page, or pages that has content that is related to your mod actually mentioned it?   Would that be OK in your book?  For example, if an article about the Docks district and the storehouse mentioned your mod's Lich in the Docks component - and then linked to the mod's G3 page - would that be acceptable?  

  3. Thank you all for your feedback and history/observations about Mods and the connections to the Fandom Wiki.  I'm moving on some of your suggestions, and it will be implemented as time permits (like all voluntary work on the Wiki, and I'm sure with Mods on your side as well).  After some preliminary tasks are knocked out, I may reach out again for your thoughts.  The whole mod section needs some love and has been kind of neglected for some time.  I want to get it in better shape and flesh it out. Any Mod with its own page/article should result in increased visibility when google searching.  Wikis are prominently featured by Bing and Google.

    There is nothing stopping any Mod author/maintainer that wants to add their own page about any of their mod(s) on the Wiki.  There is nothing that prevents a fandom player from doing the same, such as adding a page and description of one of their favorite mods to the wiki.  Good or bad, that is the nature of the fandom Wiki.  It is open to the public, and it is for fans of the game.  Modders are people too, and probably Superfans at that.  As an example, if Unfinished Business is actually stable and works with EE, that would be a good candidate for the Wiki.  Really, any NPC mod would be fine too.  Just think in terms of some of the inexperienced readers that really don't know how to a mod install or may be thinking of trying their first one.  They may not even know how to get a mod, The wiki could be another way to steer them toward the actual location.

    For Alien - what actual link do you want a fan to go to for the Project Infinity Mod Manager?  Beamdog?  your own?  This should be a link to a place where they can read about it, and most likely click on a download option if they want to try it.  Also think in terms of staying power for the link.  Something stable and unlikely to change would be best.

  4. CamDawg, 

    I'm going to take you up on the Mod install tutorial.  I'll link it in the wiki, and maybe pull a few excerpts from it when I make a page for it (or add it to the Main Mod page) on the wiki.  It is very well done I must say.

    I'll also add a link to the Project Infinity Mod manager on the tool page.  I was actually aware of this product but have not tried it.  So, I can't speak to its utility or ease of use from personal knowledge.  It sounds like a great idea and I hope it comes together.  Players like me, who  install too many mods at one time need such a thing.

    The Wiki does not have any editorial policy regarding mods at this time.  Especially in the comments section, posters can opine away, and do.  I do too.  But I see the issue with what mods get mentioned in a page or stub, and how does one deem one mod worthy of mention over another.  So, the best way is probably not to even mention them, but the cat is out of the bag on that already.  I don't think it is an actual problem at the moment, but it is worth monitoring.  Some simple mention that the Alternatives Mod for instance, gives another option for you if you don't want to side with the Thieves or Vampires seems reasonable, and then a link.   Most mods will never be mentioned in a Wiki subject page.  No one is going to be posting a subheader about Full Plate and Packing Steel Mod (which I do actually use sometimes).   

    We Do try to only report information that is in the basic game, and note changes in the EE version.  This is already happening that way.  We are always reminded of who the target audience is, and mostly it is beginners who are stuck, interested in a bit more, or just the casual player branching out a bit. "When's this Beloo fella supposed to be around?", "Can I have Hexxat and Keldorn in my Party?", "Where the hell is the Keep Messenger?", "I want that Karsomehere Sword that kills evil".

  5. Thanks Jastey,  I see now that many of the offered Mods were altered, unofficial, and in some cases permission was not obtained by the Creator/Maintainer. I understand the implications of that, and I agree that it undercuts a number of established protocols for Mod usage.  The reporting of Bugs to the maintainer seems broken too. 

    I really never noticed this in my own usage of the tool, and frankly, didn't even think about it.  I was just a consumer of the Mods and the Tool assisted with the delivery and install.  Actually there were a number of regular forum users that were ordinary players that liked the stuff available and the BEW forum.  A number of frequent flyers would ask if a Mod could be included or if this (fill-in-the blank) mod from 2003 that they remembered was available and EE compatible etc. I'm not being an apologist for what I now know was bad ethics on the Mod's unauthorized use.  Pretty much anyone on the site was just a player trying to get a mod installed - and then if there was a problem, how could they fix it.

    I actually think Roxanne did a competent job in going back in to the CtB mod, and getting the big thing broken out into modules, and then making some of them EE compatible.  Same thing with Shadows over Soubar.  Whatever version she altered from the original worked with EE.  Authorized?  Probably not.  But, would C. Bisson or King Diamond really even be involved anymore?  I don't know.

    Regarding Roxanne, I recently noticed a string of edits occurring regarding Mods that were mentioned or links provided on the Fandom BG Wiki. They were from the same IP, which was a VPN account.  All of the edits were pointing to the new locations of the EE/EET install tool and the various versions of Mods offered by Roxanne via that tool.  Seems likely that Roxanne did these edits, and that was due to the fact that she has closed the BEW forum (although it is still up for reading/archiving etc), but the forum is closed to new posts.

    So, I'm not going to promote or really do anything more with the EE/EET install tool info on the wiki.  It will still have a small page, but that is all.  I've already added a comment about the short comings of the Tool in terms of authorized or Bonafide mods.  I'll also have a discussion with a couple of my co-volunteers about this, and we'll see if they want to do something differently  I like the way CamDawg handled the EE/EET tool mention in his Mod installation tutorial.

  6. Thanks, Graion

    At the moment, mentions of Mods is minimal on the Wiki.  The exception would be in the comment sections, which are open to discuss the subject at Hand such as Bohdi, or Strongholds, or the Twisted Rune for example.  In some articles there will be a Mod Content divider, usually towards the end of the article, that might point out something that SCS does differently (such as Breach Spells, or Melf's Minute Meteors, or that Kangaax the Demilich is a now a level 30 Necromancer.  Rarely are NPC mods mentioned.  What we are trying to do is not be a Mod evaluation site, but we are cognizant that players do use Mods, especially the well-established and popular ones like SCS or Ascension.

    Most Mod information is voluntarily added, as it is a Wiki, and not really controlled by one person.  Sure, there is a rotating site Admin, but a user is encouraged to add to the Wiki if they want to.  On occasion it might be cleaned up.  Or if completely off topic or wrong, then removed.  This is similar to how any of the Wikis' on Fandom operate.

    I'm going to see if I can do something about the EE/EET install tool mention and the brief blurb on it under the Mod pages.  I have to think about it a little first, as the tool exists, and does work, but the mods offered for selection are both unadulterated and edited/changed without permission.  Let me see if CamDawg or some of the other Modders want to weigh in.

  7. CamDawg,

    Thanks very much for the background.  I was unaware of the scope of the issue here, and I do see it as problematic for the Mod author's and designated maintainers and others who are helping.  Having the official Mod version in one form, and then another via the EE/EET install tool is not ideal at all.  And further confusing the issue, some of the Mods selected by the install tool are pointed to the correct "real" version, and others may be downloaded from the unofficial source, and they are all blended together in the player's batch of Mod's they are installing.  

    I know I've personally played two campaigns using the EE/EET tool and had over sixty Mods installed in each batch.  All kinds of mods, from Ascencion, SCS, Spell Revisions, Shadow Magic, quest mods, NPCs Mods, tweaks, Tome and Blood, Might and Guile, Rogue's Rebalancing etc.  Must admit that mostly they work together, and only minor glitches were seen.  Stuff that I could fix myself usually, but not always.  I'm pretty sure from a player's standpoint, that is the draw for them to use the EE/EET Install Tool. 

    But I've also had glitches that were possibly caused because the mix and match official and unofficial Mods did actually cause the glitch.  This is 20/20 hindsight from me here.  When something was too complex for me to trouble shoot myself, I would ask for help on the BEW Forum, and typically Roxanne would quickly help out and typically come up with a solve for the issue.  But now I wonder, was the actual issue solved so quickly because She kind of knew that one of the unofficial Mods might be the culprit?  I don't know for sure.

    Anyhow, since I'm still trying to add content and subject matter over at the Fandom Baldur's Gate Wiki - when it comes to discussing available Mods, I think I'll have to rethink what we say about using the EE/EET tool to so.  Perhaps I'll add an extra "fair warning" message that not all mods fetched by the tool are the official Author approved Mod, and use it at your own risk.

    Perhaps in time a genuinely easy to use Mod Manager tool will be available for noobs and beginner folks that will solve this kind of stuff.  

    If you have any advice about this, please share.

  8. Jastey,

    I went back to the BEW forum to see if I could answer your question better, and I found my posts on the forum that was under the Tales of Anegh discussion thread.  I was kind of play testing and trying it out last year and dropping my hot takes on the Mod at the time (it is a discussion forum so don't get mad at me) if you want to see the issues and non-issues during my run through the Mod the link to the thread is Here..  Was this a Roxanne version of the Mod you are maintaining?  I still can't say for sure, but she said that the map fix would be taken care of for future players installing the mod.  Hope that helps.

  9. Okay, I'm not 100% sure what Host the Tales of Anegh I played was from, but I did add it to my mega install at that time from Roxanne's BEW site using the EE/EET tool.  I think I even reported a map area problem to her, and she fixed it for me.  So maybe it was a Roxanne version?   That was over a year ago.  Looks like Roxanne has closed the forum down, due to the Ukraine conflict. I played before the BG2EE 2.6, so it was on the last EE 2.5 version.  

    I'm kind of aware of some of the issues with Roxanne vs. G3 folks, so I'd rather not get into any of that.  If you think I should steer folks away from the EE/EET version and only install the one you are maintaining, I'll be happy to do that on the Wiki.  Whatever you think is best, I want new players to try mods and branch out from their unmodded comfort zone.  I remember my first Mod I tried and it was the NPC Mod, Kelsey..  I couldn't believe Kelsey had banter with Edwin, and it was very amusing. Once I saw the possibilities I was all in on trying out Mods.  

  10. Haha, Awesome they are indeed.  Ok that answers my question very well.  I'm a volunteer over at the Fandom Wiki for Baldur's Gate, and I was going to provide a short article/page on this Mod, and a link to where they could get it etc.  We are still fleshing out various spells, effects, creatures, quests, and some mod offerings for the noobs to read about.  It is an ongoing effort to populate all the categories.  I only add info on Mods if I've actually tried them out myself.  Our target audience is the player, not modders. Players visit if they are stuck, or to find out what to do etc.

    My thanks to you Jastey, I enjoy your hard work, and you make life more fun. I really enjoyed taking down the Aboleth.  I may have hung out in the Ust Natha entry pavilion too long afterwards, because it seems like the SCS Drow feature triggered the escalating city defense hordes shortly thereafter, lol.

    Did you by any chance have any role in the ToB mod Tales of Anegh?  I seem to recall this being a Deutchwerk.  I've played the EE version, and probably want to add that to the Wiki/re-do the info that is on there.

  11. Just wondering why the Adalon's Blood Mod by Jastey and helpers isn't selectable from the G3 Download Menu?  It's still only available on the German BG forum for download, from what I can tell.  And the much maligned but still loved and used EE/EET install tool points to this same location as well if you select it as part of your install group (for V14).  There is also a 2018 page on the Beamdog Forums. Beamdog Adalon's Blood

    Should it be available from here?  Or linked from G3?  There are other mods that are still available from various forums locations that aren't mentioned on G3 at all - Is because the author wishes that to be the case?  Is that on purpose - because of various issues , author permission,  other reasons etc?  Sorry, I don't understand the philosophy or practical reasons regarding what is in the Downloads and what isn't.

    Just asking from the perspective of a player that looks up to G3 as the best source of Mods and info, and wondering why there isn't a "One Stop Shop" for Mods that are out there, but buried away in some odd off-the-radar location. Adalon's Blood

  12. Holy Shite.  Sorry for the opinion folks.  I guess I suck now?

    I think Roxanne is doing a great job helping people play mods.  If she did all that stealing or is hawking her own site at the detriment of others  - than, yes, that isn't cool.  But I didn't know that.  If I did, I probably would have just not commented, and let it ride into the past.  It is your fault for keeping the topic open for someone like me to come in here all ignorant and reopen the wound.  JK/

    Anyhoo, I'll just continue to try out old mods that may be fixed for EE on the BEW, because it works well, and people like me,  like to play mods.  And if there is a glitch, and you get stuck or can't figure it out, then Roxanne will help you get through it.  If the mod needs a tweak, she'll fix it, so the next player will have a better experience.  In fairness, quite a few mods on BEW are abandoned by their creator, and aren't maintained anymore.   She will maintain them to a certain degree, so that the mods live on.  Is that a bad thing?

    I mean, isn't that what G3 is for too?  Modders create, their stuff gets tested, members give feedback and the mod is polished.  Players get to try new adventures and keep the BG saga fresh.  Modders get a chance to showcase their creative talents.  In the end, it is a voluntary hobby, not a business.  

    I didn't mean to offend or open old wounds, and only wanted to give Roxanne a shout out for her efforts as I know them to be.  Please forgive my ignorance of the past transgressions she did/may have made.

    I'll stay off this incendiary topic, rest assured.

    Maybe you could consider forgiving Roxanne for the past?  


  13. I'm coming in waay late here, as I just joined G3 (but have been lurking for years).  And I kind of picked up that something sour occurred with Roxanne and several others in the SHS/G3 modding community in the past.  I find it sad that she feels ostracized/unwanted over here.  On her site, there is a fairly active bunch of participants, who are mostly would-be noob modders and plain 'ol players looking for help.  I can attest that Roxanne is rapidly responsive to all calls for help, and freely offers assistance to those who ask.  Usually within hours of asking.  

    She has single-handedly done quite a lot of work bringing back old mods and helping to make them compatible with EE versions.  And she keeps the BWS function rolling like a champ, so multiple mod install conflicts are taken into account, and the weidu install order is correct.

    I'll just say that she is a a great ambassador for the hobby, and honestly, she does not bad mouth or bring anything up about the disagreements she had with SHS/G3 on her site.  It is a crying shame that she feels kicked out of the G3 forums, because she actually cares about the game.  

    I'll leave it there.  It is just a game folks.  Don't know anything about alts or such, and kind of don't care.  No need to erect fences, in my opinion. 

  14. Bummer that 2.6 didn't work with SR4b18.  I am itching to try 2.6, but was concerned that SCS and SR would probably need some tweaking/fixing for 2.6 compatibility.  I must admit that it would be difficult to play an unmodded EE game after being hooked on SCS and SR.  How can I go back to that?  I'm going to take the plunge soon and try SCS and SR  with 2.6, after I finish this current run.  Seems like most of the stuff should work fine, but the new 2.6 spell animations. 2da edits  and various odds and ends may not work.  We'll see how it goes.

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