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Posts posted by Jun

  1. Hello! I've used this mod twice now and this is the second time I attempted to romance Xan. The trouble is, the only banters I had encountered from him so far were the non-romantic ones, I also noticed none of the post-nightmare banters triggered. Currently, I'm noticing no banters from him at all for days, and after attempting the ctrl+I cheat several times and getting none I figured I messed something up along the way.

    I wanted to ask if there is a way to remedy this? :(

    One thing I should mention, I had Coran in my party for some time but I did not choose the ~romantic~ responses to him, but I'm wondering if this might pose an issue regardless...?

    Thank you in advance :)

    (Apologies if this post isn't worded well, I'm not a native speaker :))

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