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About jastey

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  1. Well, .. seems like it's not a bad idea, though, because my hint was because of how I saw that "sigh". Exasperation addressing the other discussants is never a good idea for a discussion if you want it to stay matter-of-factly. Or, to make my point, I could have phrased my post like this: *sigh* Well, .. seems like it's not a bad idea, though, because my hint was because [...]
  2. I made this an own topic. Unfortunately, I have no idea with modding on Switch.
  3. @Fox Cunning Rcommendation is to use DLC Merger instead of modmerge. Also, after already "modmerging" a game if you want to change the mod setup etc, start from scratch by deleting the folder and download / copy over a clean game folder, because there could be remnants due to the modmerging process ( thi is also valid for DLC Merger).
  4. I read "Freedom Squad" and was curious why you'd chose that title. Sorry for off topic. *goes and gets some coffee*
  5. This community (including Discord where you already post) is your best shot, I'm afraid.
  6. Oh, interesting. I didn't know about that, I had to look it up.
  7. Siege of Dragonspear? We already discussed here that EET should definitely be called Enhanced Edition Pentalogy (BG, TotSC, SoD, SoA, ToB). In short: EEP!
  8. Invalid numbers instead of text lines can (if you did use DLc Merger) be a sign that you installed the mods to a different game language than the one you are playing the game in. If you open the weidu.conf file with a text editor, you can see which game language the mods are installed to. I can't help with the other problem other than guesssing that it might be a permission problem of sorts?
  9. Thanks! This could be a close-off attempt for the time the PC is not so welcome in BG but something definitely went wrong, especially if you can still enter etc. I'll look into it when I'll find the time. Does it hinder you to play on (i.e. do you need help right now)?
  10. i can't see the screenshot, unfortunately. I am not sure where the iron gate would be. I'm not sure what you are saying, sorry. I found some doors to be "difficult" to enter, meaning the party would stop walking towards it and I need to re-click the door/exit so it happens. This is a known thing and could probably be changed by redrawing the transition areas / moving the coordinates of the exits.
  11. Yes. Ideally is reading it in first of course, but not all mods do that. And not all modders know how to do that. (cough)
  12. I understand the sentinent, but it is possible that a mod already uses that? I guess it depends on how many areas we are talking about and maybe someone with a uge install could check whether the script has entries etc.
  13. I don't think the crash is from my tweaks. The dialogue circles back to Bence's last remark, so the original scripts of the game are executed (making the chapter change, transferring the party to the intermediate areas where they walk through the crowd). The screenshot looks like the game crashes upon the chapter text. SoD Tweaks does not alter this.
  14. Would you please translate these entries with the English lines?
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