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Posts posted by Machiavélique

  1. Thanks

    I didn't know INI file format: Creature Spawning.


    My intention wasn't to create new Spawn points. I wanted to use the spawns that already existed and just make them cyclical.


    Indeed Ini file format seems very flexible but don't work for creatures from spawngrp.2da, game crash if I try to spawn RDundead (I think problem is no CRE, I didn't try to create a RDundead.cre).

    How do you get the coordinates of a spawn point with a weidu script ? Do you read the full content of the spawn point value and then sort the string to get the coordinates?


    EDIT :

    Ok... I found how to do it

  2. Hello all,


    I regret that severals days and months after clearing a map no hostile creature comes back => The map is definitely deserted (and it seems strange to me).

    I would like to improve my game experience by doing a cyclic reset of Spawn points. But the spawn system doesn't seem very advanced to me, I mean I can't find a way to do what I would like to do.


    1°) My first objective is to have a spawn system with fixed values.

    2°) My second objective is to be able to choose the time between spawn and spawn probability (but choosing the time between spawns seems something very difficult in the BG spawn system).



    And I can't even achieve my first objective, here is a sample :



    With this configuration, when the spawn occurs, the "Spawn pauses" flag switchs on TRUE. And the "countdown" field is automatically set to 72000 (tenths of a second => 2h in game time) whatever its previous value.

    When "countdown" reaches 0 nothing happen cause the compressTime() method has not yet been called. (the compressTime() method is called after 16h in game time and will set the "Spawn pauses" flag to FALSE).

    So, after every 16 hours (in game) the spawn point will be reset (a new spawn will occur and the old spawn will diseapear cause Creature duration (second) < Countdown (tenth of second).

    If Creature duration is set on "-1" (Infinite duration) and you didn't kill the old creatures, there will be 2 groups of creatures instead of 1 (and 16 hours after 3 groups etc. I tested)


    So with this configuration, my first objective seems OK but...

    If you kill the Creatures linked to the spawn, save the game and reload... The spawn occurs whereas "Spawn pauses" is set on True and "Countdown" field is over 71000 (data from my test save).

    It seems the compressTime() method is called just after a reload game (I tested what happend if I don't kill creatures and I reload the game => Nothing change, I have the same game as when I saved and that seems to confirm compressTime() is called after a reload).


    EDIT :

    I wonder if it's possible to edit "Spawn Point" fields in a current game (with a BCS script or other). It seems there are no way to do this.

  3. Hello @jastey,

    I'm actually working on a proofreading from Jastey SoD tweakPack.

    I've checked the contents of the mod and I can't figure out who the NPC using the c#sthelp is (I don't have the SoD extension. If it's an NPC from SoD, I don't have the .DLG to appreciate who it is.). In my mind, it's just an ordinary soldier without particular relationship with the PC.

    Is c#sthelp a man or a woman? And what is his relationship to the PC (formal/informal) ?


    EDIT :

    I have a question for game.tra, I can't find where the dialogues from @100 to @112 are used (It's look like the same dialogues extension than Another fine hell, is it used in add_bdchains.baf too ?)

    Same question for @0. I don't know where the dialogue is used.

    Thanks in advance

  4. b!abduction.d :




    Here we can see that a transition is added for Gavin but there is no negation added for the previous transitions.

    So we can have 2 transitions set on "true." (GOTO 6 & GOTO 39)


    Here is the decompiled BODHIAMB.DLG file :





    I wondered what would happen if 2 transitions are set on "true", so at first I checked Weidu documentation :


    So if state WEIGHTS is not used, the first transition will be execute.


    If it's right, it would be a problem in BODHIAMB.DLG so I just did a single test with several transitions set on "true" and the last one was executed (not first one as I expected).

    But I can't test what would happen in BODHIAMB.DLG, I have no BG2 saves to test that. If the last true transition is executed (as in my test), everything will be OK.




    To prevent a potential problem, I think we need to add an ADD_TRANS_TRIGGER :



    It's not so delicate solution cause it will add this at every transitions but it will prevent any problems.


    I think it would better to get this final code but I don't know how to get this with Weidu commands :






    Edit :

    We can see the same problem elsewhere (If B!GavVampire = 2, does it go to 22 or does it go to 23 ? We need to be sure.)



    That's why, in b!abduction.d  it would be better to add an ADD_TRANS_TRIGGER also here :


  5. Hello,

    I know my questions are often about Gavin but this time it's not about him.


    I just would like to know if we can just change the character picture in the inventory for an "appareance" (example below is for Thief Female Human).

    Or add an inventory character image to an "appearance" that does not yet have one





  6. btalk.d


    In t8.22 :

    The global variable GaalJob seems to be used to check if Gaal has already been encountered, but that's not what GaalJob is for.

    GaalJob just indicates if the player has decided to work for Gaal or not




    Ideally, we would need a global variable "metGaal" in the Gaal script using NumTimesTalkedTo() to know whether the player has met Gaal or not.

    But I'm not in favour of this idea cause It requires to modify a script that is outside Gavin mod



    In t16.12 :

    Here GaalJob seems to be used to know if the cult is destroyed







    The way GaalJob variable is used is not right and I would like to have your opinion on this.

  7. b!talk.d


    What I report here will need to be examined with my previous post


    There are many problems with the global variable B!GavChange

    In talk8 this variable is checked greater than 4




    For begining, it's very very difficult to get a 5 value before the talk8. Here are every "talks" before talk8 where this variable can be increased :

    Talk4 +1 (It doesn't matter what topic is here: B!GavReligion , B!GavRealist or B!GavHumanNature, if B!GavChange increases the dialog will end with an EXIT)

    Talk6 +1

    Talk7 +1

    Talkbe.1 +1 or +2 depending player choices


    There is also the possibility before talk8 that this variable is decreased by 1 or more. That's why it's very difficult to get a 5 value.

    Question is "Are talk8 choices really important to justify a such difficulty ?"

    Well... it seems not




    If B!GavBhaal = 1 (and we choose @1111) we will go to 8.14 anyway.

    If B!GavBhaal = 0 (and we choose @1111) we will go to 8.15 anyway.


    Now if we're looking to the dialogue :

    @1108 = ~How are you holding up, <CHARNAME>?~ [bgav111]

    @1111 = ~Never better, why?~

    @1115 = ~You do seem to be holding it all together, somehow.~

    @1116 = ~I don't know if I can agree with that. There are times when you seem to have trouble~


    We can't really say it's something decisive... but there is something even stranger

    How is this variable controlled after talk8?

    Well... after talk8 this variable is never checked greater than 2. (whereas it's possible to increase it again after talk8)


    So... Why checking this variable > 4 in talk8 for a no-signifiant dialogue and after that only checking this variable greater than 2 in the rest of dialogues ?

    Is the problem in the talk8 or is the problem in every dialogues after talk8?

    Is there a typo here ? Type "4" instead of "1" with numpad and then copy paste ? (This is the best guess I have)


    Here are every actions on B!GavChange :





    Here are every controls on B!GavChange :





    If we're looking again this picture, there are some inaccuracies showing again a problem with B!GavChange



    In the current version, it's absolutly impossible to go at t8.7

    In the mod, B!GavBhaal is just used as a boolean so we can read here :

    If (B!GavBhaal = 0 AND AlignmentPlayer is EVIL AND B!GavChange > 4) THEN go to t8.7


    Problem is if B!GavBhaal = 0 then B!GavET = 0 too and the redemption talk (be1.1) can never start.

    So the maximum value B!GavChange can reach here is 3, and testing greater than 4 for going to t8.7 is a no-sense.



    As I said in my previous post, there is a problem in talkbe1 too


    In be1 B!GavChange can be increased by 1 twice in the same dialogue. I checked every dialogues and be1 is really the only one.

    Let's look the talk4. In this talk,we have the possibility to loop the dialogue (with t4.9) to go through all the topics (B!GavReligion , B!GavRealist or B!GavHumanNature) EXCEPT if player is EVIL and shows a willingness to change (therefore if B!GavChange increase). It seems that Berelinde had a particular desire that B!Gavchange should not be increased several times in the same dialogue.


    Here is an example with B!GavReligion topic (but B!GavRealist and B!GavHumanNature have the same built.)



    In addition to the problem I reported earlier in talk be1, I don't think BGavChange is supposed to be able to increase twice in be1 talk.





    In consideration of this and my previous post, I therefore recommend these changes :











    Or theses changes (And I think the 2nd suggestion is better) :











  8. b!talk.d :


    There is an anomaly around be1.35, be1.36, be1.37 and be1.38




    In my opinion problem is :

    - be1.38 should Exit dialog instead of to go to be1.33 -> be1.lastchance -> be1.34

    - be1.37 should go to be1.33 -> be1.lastchance -> be1.34 instead of Exit dialog


    But here I don't have a solution without proposing some fairly significant code changes.


    The only way to go to be1.38 is from be1.35

    Below is what happen in be1.35 if PC select @2707 "I can't make any promises, but I'll try." or @2708 "I only wish it was that easy."


    be1.35 : If PC says "I can't make any promises, but I'll try."


    Gavin : "I'll try to bear it, but you have to promise you'll try to fight the evil of the blood you bear."

    PC : "I can't make any promises, but I'll try."

    Gavin : "I could ask no more."

    Gavin : "You might be the child of Bhaal, but you are also a <PRO_MANWOMAN>. I want to help you. I only hope I can."

    Gavin : " I think you finding me in that temple happened for a reason. Maybe..."

    Gavin : "Maybe your soul is reaching out, striving for freedom from the taint of the blood you bear. Maybe I can help you."


    Here PC said he/she will try to fight the evil of his/her blood. And then, PC seems to have to confirm once again he/she wants to fight the evil in his/her blood with gavin's help or to change his/her mind and don't fight his/her evil blood.

    Ok It's a little bit strange but would not really be a problem if choice @2708 didn't exit.


    be1.35 : If PC says "I only wish it was that easy."


    Gavin : "I'll try to bear it, but you have to promise you'll try to fight the evil of the blood you bear."

    PC : "I only wish it was that easy."

    Gavin : "There is always hope, <CHARNAME>, remember that. I want to help you. I only hope you'll let me."



    Here PC seems to want to change but it's too difficult. So Gavin says he wants help PC and he only hope PC will let him help him/she

    And then... Nothing. EXIT Dialog...

    Strange !?


    Conclusion :

    It would be very more logical than be1.38 would EXIT dialog and be1.37 would go to be1.33.

    Below is what would happen if we replace EXIT in be1.37 by IF ~~ THEN + be1.33


    be1.35 : If PC says "I only wish it was that easy." and we replace EXIT by IF ~~ THEN + be1.33


    Gavin : "I'll try to bear it, but you have to promise you'll try to fight the evil of the blood you bear."

    PC : "I only wish it was that easy."

    Gavin : "There is always hope, <CHARNAME>, remember that. I want to help you. I only hope you'll let me."

    Gavin : "You might be the child of Bhaal, but you are also a <PRO_MANWOMAN>. I want to help you. I only hope I can."

    Gavin : " I think you finding me in that temple happened for a reason. Maybe..."

    Gavin : "Maybe your soul is reaching out, striving for freedom from the taint of the blood you bear. Maybe I can help you."


    As we can see the dialog is more logical if be1.38 EXIT dialog and be1.37 go to be1.33.

    But it's not possible to do this cause it will cause a bigger problem if be1.37 can go to be 1.33 :

    be1.37 -> be1.33 -> be1.lastchance -> be1.34 -> be1.37 -> be1.33 -> be1.lastchance -> be1.34 -> be1.37 -> be1.33 -> etc (with B!GavChange that could easily be increased).



    There are different ways to solve this with more or less important code modifications but an easy way (not the best) to solve it is maybe to just EXIT dialog in be1.38

    The problem is that it will remove a way for BGavChange to reach the value of 5 before the talk8 whereas there was only 2 ways for BGavChange to reach the value 5 before talk8.

    But the local variable BGavChange is another problem I'll report it later.


  9. btalk.d :


    In t3.3x1 There is a problem with B!GavBhaal variable. At certain choices this variable changes to 1 whereas the player has not explicitly admitted that he/she is the child of bhaal.



    The dialogue itself is not easy to understand for a player who is new to BG2 and has not played BG1. So I checked in all the scripts how this variable is used and I don't see any point in forcing the variable to "1" on the choices here. 






    On the contrary, forcing BgavBhaal to 1 when the player has not admitted to being Bhaal's child or tried to dodge the question can be problematic for the others dialogues with Gavin or the dialogue with Firkraag.


    According on the answers offered to the player in t3.3x1 and how Gavin reacts to them. I think it would be better to set the B!GavBhaal variable to 1 only for choice @454


    (As I said in a previous post,  in my opinion, the choice @456 need sames conditions than @453)

  10. b!talks.tra :



    Here the name is misspelled, the correct name is Corellon Larethian

    Same for :

    @544  = ~Depends on the god, I guess. If I carried the blood of Liira, goddess of dancing, maybe I wouldn't end up in a heap quite so often. But one of the others... Bhaal, for instance... no I wouldn't want that.~ // Correct name is Lliira

    @733  = ~Clanggedin Silverbeard, the dwarven god of battle.~ // Correct name is Clangeddin Silverbeard

    @742  = ~Flandar Steelskin, the gnomish Master of Metal.~ // Correct name is Flandal Steelskin

    @747  = ~Avoreen, the halfling god of defense.~ // Correct name  is Arvoreen

    @789  = ~Hoar, god of just retrubution.~ // retribution

    @2651 = ~(gulp) <CHARNAME>, I'm afriad you might have the wrong idea about me.~ // afraid

    @2696 = ~ I think you finding me in that temple happened for a reason. Maybe...~ // There is a space at the beginning of the sentence


    (Due to my English level I can't report all mistakes, only the most basic ones)

  11. btalks.d :





    I think choices @668 and @673 don't seem appropriate for a PC Male 

    @668  = ~You could take my share of chores tonight.~ (In fact the problem in @668 is the Gavin's reponse : @678  = ~Your wish is my command. You will not have to do a thing.~)

    @673  = ~Take me away from all this.~


    I found it sounds a little strange



    It's possible for a PC Male to go to t3.doforyou by this way :

    t3.t16 -> t3.m2a -> t3.doforyou (everyone can go to t3.t16)


    I think it's just an oversight and therefore a male PC is not supposed to arrive at t3.doforyou  (t3.cheer is built in the same way than t3.doforyou. As t3.t16 is only focus on BGavRA, it might be possible there is an oversight about BGaVRA set on 0 include the possibility PC is a Male). But I can't to be sure of that. Maybe the oversight is on t3.m2a or on t3.doforyou

    That's why it's maybe better to put modifications directly in t3.doforyou







  12. in b!talks.d :

    the t3.t15n shoud go to t3.t15o before to go to t3.t16




    If we'are looking  t3.t15b



    t3.t15d and t3.t15n is only for a PC not eligible for romance

    t3.t15d is for when the PC says his/her blood comes from a goddess.

    t3.t15n is for when the PC says his/her blood comes from a god.


    t3.t15d go to t3.t15o then t3.t16

    but t3.t15n go directly to t3.t16


    but dialog in t3.t15o (@588) is important to explain  player choices in t3.t16.

    Th'at's why I just propose to do this :


  13. It's ok, take all the time you need


    In B!talks.d at t3.6 @506 the actions :


    should happen for a BGavRA set on 1, 2 or 4 instead of 0 or 3 (it should be exactly as for the @504 choice).

    If the PC is a not eligible with Gavin for a romance (wrong characteristic, wrong kit, male...), by selecting @506 PC get directly a romance termined with the possibilité to restart it (cause "B!GavRomBreak" is only set to 1)


    I propose to just switch conditions and actions for B!GavRA 0 ; 3 and B!GavRA 1 ; 2 ; 4


  14. In b!talks.s there is a problem at t3.3x1 @456




    Problem is there are no conditions for the choice @456. And if we look what happen at t3.3x5 :


    Only 2 choices :

    t3.a is ok for everyone

    t3.3x3 is only ok for female PC not engaged with a B!GavRa set on 1 or 4


    I don't think it would be a good idea to add conditions in t3.3x5 @ 497 cause there would be only one choice left. I think it's better to add conditions t3.3x1 :




    I saw other problems in the b!talks.d but I will post them later

  15. In b!talks.d there is a problem at t1eb10.1b1

    Here the situation is PC engaged with B!GavRA set to 1. If the pc answers @330, Gavin answers something very strange about Lanie and the relationship then ends in bad terms (impossible to restart the romance)



    It seems it's just a typo here. @330 should to go to t1eb10.1b2 instead of t1eb10.0b2. (mainly cause t1eb10.1b2 is not used at all, but it's strange cause "B!GavRA" will be set to 2 and "B!GavSerious" will be set to 3 whereas PC seems to be still a little angry with him when she chooses @330)


  16. What I'm trying to do is enough different than changing how a character was characterized

    Please understand me. I agree, changing an element in the scenario because we don't like it is, in my opinion too, comparable to rewriting the mod (and I don't want it either).


    A translator's job is to translate. Not just to translate the words, but what they mean. It' requires translating the scenario, the feelings, the personality of the characters, the humour...

    For me, the translation must reflect the original story as if it had been written in the reader's language. If someone reads the original version and understands and feels the same as in the translated version, then I will consider my work a success.


    In the game, every time you select a choice, it's like putting that choice and all the lines that go with it in a book. Playing with an NPC mod is like writing a story, a story that depends of your choices. What makes a story good? In my mind a story is good if the scenario is good and if it is well written.


    As I said, I don't want to change the scenario*, that would be changing the mod in my opinion. I just want it to be well written in French. I don't want there to be lines that don't flow well, I want the story to flow and be enjoyable to read.
    Maybe the turn of phrase and flow of dialogue is very well written in English (I don't know, I don't have enough English skills to judge it properly), but if I try to translate into French I sometimes find myself in dead ends where I say to myself that such and such dialogue will only be able to flow correctly in 3 situations on 4.


    *except for the terms "formal" and "informal" (which can effectively be considered as a modification of the scenario). I didn't want to change anything else in the script, I just want to make sure the story is well written after translation (a story that flows, is immersive and enjoyable to read). I want the reader to feel that he is reading a story as if it were written in his own language. I want to be able to do the best I can, but I'm felling my hands are tied.

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