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Everything posted by GC_Rallos

  1. Hey all, I am currently trying to get the Tweak Anthology as well as the SCS up and running on my Android and I'm running into some problems. Just a quick bit of info on my situation, I play BG:EE on both PC and Android, I just transfer my campaign's save files between the two devices as needed. Currently I'm using Tweak Anthology on my PC with no issues, on my Android it is functional with a few minor exceptions (For instance on my phone, when I inspect my Elven Chain Mail, instead of having a description, it just reads "Invalid: 34009") this is because I was only able to transfer whatever was in the Override folder. Now here is where my problem is, in order to get my Android working 100%, I have to get the components of Tweak Anthology/SCS that go in Dialog.tlk, and, while there is a guy who made a program for this specific reason, (program is called centralfix.exe) his website doesn't seem to be active, every forum/reddit post I've seen all link to that same dead website. All my attempts to find the file somewhere else haven't worked out. On top of that, Beamdog's own website is down for weeks or even months. If anyone knows of a way I can get my hands on centralfix.exe or an alternative way to go into my Android and get everything from TA and SCS into the Dialog file, I'd be very grateful! Any other help is appreciated greatly! Thanks
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