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Posts posted by boof

  1. This is for 34.3 by the way, so maybe this has been addressed.

    Anyway, it seems like Thaxll'ssillyia is casting spells as a level 1 mage. I noticed while playing that her remove magic failed to dispel characters that were around level 15. Thought maybe I just got the lucky 5% chance, but then I summoned her in multiple times, and her remove magic failed to work every time.

    I put her in my party, and her class is shown as cleric.

    In comparison to say Firkraag that doesn't show any class name, and definitely dispels properly.

    The creature file in question is shadra01.cre

  2. Just going to post a little general observation/suggestion here.

    I've noticed that a lot of enemy spell cast attempts can be interrupted by simply running their target out of their vision, whether line of sighting or just running out of vision radius. Some spells on the other hand don't care. For example, enemy starts casting lightning bolt or horrid wilting. You can run to the other end of the continent if you can before the cast finishes, but it will finish and you will be targeted. But then you have spells like ice lance that the enemy will stop casting when you move a bit beyond their vision.

    This ends up being a very effective and in my opinion abusive way to deal with a lot of what an enemy spell caster can throw at you. It also creates a very inconsistent combat experience because some spells are affected while others aren't.

    My main problem with this is that it ends up happening even when you don't want it to, because often when an enemy starts casting, I'm trying to run my people as far away as I can to make space to give me time to react to whatever gets cast, but then I end up running the target a bit beyond their sight range and the spell fizzles and you're just left with this "oh.... ok" unsatisfied feeling.

    What my suggestion would be, if possible, is to force all spells to finish regardless of the caster's ability to have line of sight/vision range, like horrid wilting and lightning bolt etc. I'm pretty sure the player's spells always finish if the enemy moves out of sight, so it seems only fair.

  3. On 5/6/2024 at 12:01 AM, Opipo said:

    Ah, a less potent charm? I see. I thought here for a second everything was broken.

    You can always edit the spell in Near Infinity and just replace the effect with dire charm instead of charm. That will get charmed people to act when hit with the low level charm spell. That's what I did since getting charmed and then just standing made no sense to me and like you said just seemed broken.

  4. 15 hours ago, jmerry said:

    Which is less interesting than it sounds; while the bag item is duplicated, the contents aren't - they still point to the same .STO, so the bags are just portals to each other.

    Interesting, I never really explored the bug further after confirming it, so I didn't know that.


    15 hours ago, jmerry said:

    Tweaking mage AI so it doesn't cast Imprisonment twice on the same target during a Time Stop - after all, it's not only what triggers the bug, it's also obviously dum

    Maybe try and do something similar to summons and death spell during time stop. I like my summons, but feel dirty when I see a lich cast 3 death spells during his time stops on my one mordenkainen sword.

  5. 1 hour ago, CrevsDaak said:

    Add an effect on him (Save -> pick a save -> baldur.gam -> select Wilson on the panel on the top right, go to the Edit tab on his menu, scroll down and double click on the last line, then go to the Edit tab of that new window, hit Add button at the bottom -> Effect), set opcode to 126, target to 1, timing mode to 9 (important, otherwise he'll lose it on death), and then set param1 (stat modifier) to 8, or higher if you want (I'd personally go with 10 so he isn't slower than other party members), param2 (type) to 1. I think probability 1 is naturally set to 100, but if it isn't, set that too.

    I'm not finding the param1 & 2 lines.

    I've tried putting the 8 and 1 under power and value, and then under param 3 & 4, but neither did anything to change his speed.

    This is what I've got so far

  6. 9 hours ago, jmerry said:

    Recommended solution: don't install the "faster bears" component in the current EE. It just doesn't do anything worthwhile.

    Any way to fix this temporarily through NI? I've strained my eyes last night poring over every entry in Wilson's creature resource sheet for my save game trying to find something related to speed, but couldn't find anything. Don't wanna use EEKeeper as that breaks too many other things.
    If I uninstall the component that means 80% of SCS is getting reinstalled too and bricking my current install.
    I'll pass on the component in the future though.

  7. When Wilson dies and is raised, he moves super slow.

    EEKeeper shows his speed as 0 like the rest of the characters.

    He doesn't have this issue when I load the save in an unmodded game. Is the faster bears component maybe messing with Wilson?
    This is on 34.3

  8. 20 minutes ago, jmerry said:

    Vorpal hits are opcode 13 "kill" effects. Basically the only stuff out there in vanilla that blocks that are death ward effects and full immortality effects. No items grant just the death ward part without other side effects, so you'd have to either add effects to the creatures directly or modify the general "dragring" immunity item.

    And yes, earlier versions of SCS did give dragons immunity to instant death. Here's a snippet from v34's dragon_shared.tph:

    And in v35 ... no changes to this section at this time. Which means that the likely cause here is changed library functions requiring different syntax for the same effect. Either that, or this particular SCS-added dragon didn't get the function applied for some reason.

    Does this look about right?

    I just copied one of the other many immunity effects on the ring, though I don't know what to do with the "Unused" portion. It seems to be different across different effects.

  9. 1 hour ago, Delior said:

    At this stage in the game, unless you make side trips to tombs or Sil's cave, you should have only one invisibility potion.  I don't know how many invisibility potions SCS grants the assassins, but I'm fairly sure it is more than one.  So, what are my options for countering invisibility? Again, I am level 3-4 so my spell slots are limited.  I can use Glitterdust, which I find unreliable at best. I might have Detect Invisibility, but that only works once, and there goes my level 2 spell slots.  I don't have Invisibility Purge yet.  So, my only real options are (i) roll an Inquisitor, (ii) prioritize Detect Illusions on a thief (over detect traps and lockpicking), or (iii) don't install the components.  I typically choose not to install the roaming assassins component, but I wish I could because I like that component.  What I would love is an .ini option to limit the number of invisibility potions to one (the same amount a player typically has at that level) so that Detect Invisibility would be a reliable counter.  

    I think there may be an invisibility potion or two in the manor type houses in Beregost and/or Nashkel. There is one at least.
    Maybe it's just my install, but the initial Dorn ambush bandits drop a bunch of invisibility potions. So make sure to talk to Dorn to trigger the ambush upon going to Nashkel mines.
    As for invis detection, I always buy up the detection scrolls from High Hedge. There should be two?
    I don't learn them typically, and keep them until the amazon ambush is done.
    At the end of the day, the backstabbers in that ambush have a mere backstab multiplier of 2. You should be able to tank the backstabs relatively safely with any class able to wear a helmet, especially when not on double damage.



    3 hours ago, polytope said:

    Harm is funnily enough harmless if cast by a solo cleric because they don't have the APR to finish you off, but remember some of the skeletons have ranged weapons (unless you kite him to avoid the touch spell connecting).

    It's not even the lack of apr, it's just seeing that he cast harm means taking a brief time out until it expires.

  10. What's with people crying for nerfs in here?
    Your level 3 party couldn't handle Bassilus and got stomped? Ok, now you know not to come here at level 3. This isn't a Bethesda game.
    The game needs more combat encounters that really push your party to the limits, not less. MY problem with Bassilus is that on some installs he'll get the Aerial servant, and on others it will be something harmless like harm (ironic) or heal. I've expressed the opinion in the past that randomized spells on some of these climactic encounters really hurt the experience depending on the install.
    Asking for kobold nerfs? What the...
    I understand some people like to play "naturally" and go to Nashkel Mines at level 1, but you installed a difficulty mod of your own volition, and should adjust your play accordingly. Not ask for things to be nerfed.

  11. Another observation that I've had over the last year or so of playing and watching people play.
    I've noticed when watching the vanilla game, enemy spell casters will often continue casting even though they take an instance or two of damage mid cast.
    I don't think I can remember one time with SCS that I've noticed a spell caster continue their spell after taking damage.
    I came back to this game after a loooong time not playing and went straight into SCS, so I don't remember the exact spell casting failure mechanics of the vanilla game, but if SCS has changed something to make spell interruption this reliable, then in my opinion that's been a change for the worse.

  12. Don't know what the odds of this mod getting an update are, but I have a few bugs to report.

    - Slayer/Ravager transformation's eventual death is completely bypassed by having protection from magical energy. Once you're past the death trigger, you no longer lose control either, and are allowed to stay in the form for as long as you'd like with no drawbacks.

    - The piercing damage portion of Melissan's bone blades ability bypasses all damage resistance. Hardiness does not reduce it, armour of faith does not reduce it, it even partially goes through Otiluke's Resilient Sphere. The slashing damage component is reduced accordingly.
    Also consider rebalancing the ability, as having this cast on a character immediately disables them from any actions, followed up shortly with massive damage. It is an immediate run ender ability with no true reactive counter play save for casting Otiluke's Resilient Sphere on the affected character if you're lucky to have a mage nearby with an open turn. At least allowing the affected character to perform an action while in the cage before the damage hits would help a bit.

    - When Melissan teleports to characters, she teleports on top of them, getting them stuck within her. You at this point are forced into using ctrl+J, or the teleport pool power. But I don't think getting stuck on her model is intended.

    The following isn't so much a bug as just feedback, but the AI range/radius in the final fight is quite bad. Running away a bit off screen from Irenicus will leave him just sitting there, waiting until you've dealt with Bodhi and the Solars. (This is also really apparent in the final Irenicus fight in Hell in SoA; if you run away once the fight starts Irenicus and half the demons will just sit there. But that is not Ascension related)
    Same goes with the late stage Melissan fight where she summons a horde of demons. Simply running to the other side of the arena while they are summoning will leave them just sitting there for the rest of the fight.
    I know the technology is there to make this better (think Bandit Camp from bg1 with better calls for help).


  13. 15 hours ago, polytope said:

    The nymphs that arrive with Nyalee's shamblers may be the culprit, HGNYMPH has both a melee attack (not likely to connect with an armored fighter or cleric though) and a special scripted spell-like ability that can lower saves vs spell. An interesting and rare synchronisation of dissimilar creature's abilities. It's obviously pretty unlikely to see it in game as so few posters have commented on it.

    Thanks for looking into it.
    I see the melee effect but couldn't find the ability, but I'll take your word for it. If it did hit, it didn't leave a profile icon, which it probably should.
    Hopefully the shambling mound thing gets fixed up so it is incremental and not a set to 25%.

    And yeah, this is an even more interesting and unique encounter than I first thought due to these synergies.

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