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Posts posted by ahungry

  1. I've adjusted it a few times for really difficult fights (Rakshashas during Trademeet quest, when that was the first side-quest on a druid playthrough).

    I change it before encountering the mobs and it seems to take effect - I've never changed it mid-fight, I would guess that would not work.

    My usual flow, for the rare times I adjust it, is:

    - Quicksave

    - Get beat down + reload (repeat 10x)

    - Adjust difficulty slider down

    - Quicksave

    - Succeed in encounter

    - Adjust slider back up

  2. I edited file in NI to remove all creatures+spawn points, and it loads now, so that helps isolate the issue to one of those things - how are BCS files associated to ARE file?  By way of the ARE -> Spawn Point -> BCS?

    In anycase, there were ~15 creatures inserted, one is Mal Kalen, the rest were random things like burning skeleton, jelly etc. - I removed the first 14 listed in NI and left the named one, and now it loads, including some mobs and the shadow adept one.

    Thanks :)

  3. I've since purged the Sandrah mods (although I still have some of the mods downloaded from the site) - the Sandrah mod I had to ditch by chapter 2 or so, it was way too intrusive, and even causes lag on picking up items in the inventory.

    On the re-install, SCS is properly at end of install order.

    Thank you for the suggestion to look at the creatures/bcs (script?) files.

    Attached is the latest weidu.log, although I would need help to track down more Voldemortified mods for removal (I know some had "EET" appended) to make a cleaner install.


  4. It's me - back with a new Segfault - this time, my large install is crashing when zoning into Ulraunt (whether by using the stairs, or by using the console).

    I looked at the ARE file bg3901.are in NI and it appears normal - my guess is some creature referenced in the file may be bad/incomplete?

    Mods which I think may affect it:

    - shadowadept (one of the shadow wizards hides down there, but I've used this on previous play throughs without issue)

    - White (npc mod, he was outside entrance and wanted to find a rogue within)

    - MiH_EQ ? (not sure on this, but I think this is the mod that greatly overtunes spiders and makes some other encounters more difficult)

    Short of manually opening every CRE file (and other related files?) that are listed in the ARE - any good solution?

    I tried removing the bg3901.are from override and attempting to zone in - that failed as well (with another segfault).

  5. Nice, I had thought so based on the initial description, but then when reading this section, was confused by the second paragraph:



    This mod has components (outlined above) requiring EEex created by Bubb to work. If you install these components, you will need to launch your game with InfinityLoader.exe instead of the standard Baldur.exe file.

    Being this requires EEex to run, Windows is required at this time.

    I recommend to install after SCS due to how many changes are involved with proficiencies.


  6. 5 hours ago, subtledoctor said:

    Feats take the place of kit abilities for any kit that gets feats. So if you want your Stalker to backstab you need to take that feat. Essentially, the Stalker's special characteristic is that they can take the Enhanced Backstab feat (more than once!), whereas other rangers cannot.

    (I know it means the kit description is not perfect, but trying to make kit descriptions account for every single possible modification has become impossible. If it's correct about backstabbing/feats, it will be incorrect about SoB Proficiencies. Or incorrect about FnP sphere access. Etc. With so many mods that alter the same kits, it's just not doable. (See Mickabouille's issue with trying to translate all the different versions, just above.))

    That's neat!  Although I believe Stalker has a bug atm if that's the case, as I do not seem able to take Enhanced Backstab more than once (putting myself at a x2 backstab, when the vanilla kit would tend to allow up to a x4).  I even tried console leveling to 20+ and while i did receive more feat selections, Enhanced Backstab never re-appears in the tier 1 (or any higher tier) feat selection list after having chosen it once.

  7. Tweaks Anthology (CDTweaks) has this component: "~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3183 // Romance Cheats [Sabre, Richardson, Weimer]: v10 Release Candidate 1" - I'm not sure if it is for base game or all romances.

    BG2 Tweakpack (TNT) has this component "~TNT/TNT.TP2~ #0 #70 // Mod romance cheats: v8.13" - again, I'm not sure if that'll handle it for you, or what mod exactly that aims to allow romance cheats for.

  8. I'm thinking of using this locally, and publishing it on github/here (although it's quite a trivial/small update).

    The intent is to remove the backstab immunity from everything but kitted barbarians (as their immunity is part of kit).

    Game play wise, I feel like thieves are lackluster late game, as so many important fights trivialize backstab tactics by using this opcode (reducing thieves to a trap/detect invis side line guy).

    I see 2 different approaches to this in the weidu code - remove opcode 292 (backstab immunity), or add it and set to 0 (disabled).

    Which would be better?  (I also tried/tested out setting opcode 101 immunity to opcode parameter2=292, but this didn't seem to make my immuned to backstab xvart vulnerable to it):

    BACKUP ~ahungry_backstab/backup~
    AUTHOR ~Ahungry~
    VERSION 1.0
    BEGIN ~Ahungry's Restore Backstab~
    REQUIRE_PREDICATE (GAME_IS ~bgee bg2ee eet~) ~Game not supported.~
    COPY_EXISTING_REGEXP GLOB ~^.+\.cre$~ ~override~
        // We can explicitly add/set it to 0 (disabled)
        // LPF ADD_CRE_EFFECT INT_VAR opcode=292 timing=9 parameter2=0 END
        // Or we can remove the effect
        // LPF DELETE_CRE_EFFECT INT_VAR opcode_to_delete=292 END


  9. Woohoo!

    Btw - another question - Ranger (Stalker) notes backstab modifiers of x2 up until level 8(?) or so in the kit description, yet my stalker has x1 - I was able to choose Enhanced Backstab feat to get to x2, but am I correct in assuming I should have a native backstab and the feat should be bumping me up to x3 at this level?

    Or are all Stalker backstabs intended to be increased via feat only now?

  10. 10 minutes ago, Endarire said:

    Was this problem on an EET install?

    Yes, EET - easiest way to check if impacted is start a subrace, and do the lost book for Phydria or w/e - run to hay, get the book and bring it back - it should always net some xp (on my EET with most defaults - around ~40 xp) - which at 85% should still be about 30 xp, not keep the character at 0.

    I was thinking that perhaps it started me at negative xp, but that wasn't the case - quest/mobs never awared xp, only the console.

  11. I made a deep gnome, and for some reason I don't accumulate any XP - setting xp with the console works to set to a fixed amount (which is then set to 85% of the value) but actually gaining xp from a mob or quest, no increase (I was at 0 up until nashkel - I tried setting to 1000 via console, it set to 850 - I then tried to get some more xp from mob/quest, and it didn't increase).

    I went with a deep gnome ranger (stalker) thanks to loosened mod class restrictions - my full weidu.log is attached.

    I also tested with an Elf (Drow) and trueclass fighter vs usually disallowed class combos - seems any of the subraces with xp penalties don't gain any xp at all (I didn't test a non-penalized sub-race yet, I'll do that next).



    In EEKeeper, if I remove protection from opcode[101] which has value of 104, I can get XP points (albeit at odd values if I leave the 85 value effect in).

    My protection from opcode[101] has a value of 0 and 104(xp) - this entry says:

    #104 (0x68) Stat: Experience Points
    Parameter #1:	Statistic Modifier
    Parameter #2:	Type
    Applies the modifier value specified by the Statistic Modifier field in the style specified by the Type field.
    Known values for Type are:
        0 ⟶ Cumulative Modifier: XP = XP + 'Statistic Modifier' value
        1 ⟶ Flat Value Modifier: XP = 'Statistic Modifier' value
        2 ⟶ Percentage Modifier: XP = (XP * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100
    The effect modifies XP. 


    Even though it'd be foregoing the xp mod penalty, I may just remove both effects so this character remains playable...

    Other notes:  I'm on BGEE/2 with an EET setup.

    General feedback: Love the system!  I would make the color palette a default vs a persistent effect though - I want a blue skinned deep gnome, not this grayish color

  12. I've been doing a play through as a "Thug" (fighter/thief multi).

    I feel like they're a bit weak compared to trueclass fighter/thief, which seems to get a few feats, as the pros/cons are:


    – +1 bonus to Strength.
    – +1 bonus to backstab multiplier.
    – -2 penalty to Dexterity.
    – May not use the Open Locks, Detect Illusion, or Set Traps skills.
    – May only distribute 20 skill points each level.
    – May not be Lawful or Good alignments.


    With scales of balance, the +1 str is mostly negligible (the damage/thaco bonuses on str is mostly useless - str is just a pre-req for equipping gear), and the +1 backstab multiplier is a single feat (which a trueclass FT could choose).

    The penalties are extreme here (no detect illusion being the big one for late game).

    However, despite this, I found the biggest benefit of the class (with SoB) is that a trueclass FT can choose Dual Wield or Single weapon, but no shield style/two handed style, while the thug can choose shield style/two hand style, yet this (proficiency selection) isn't mentioned in the Pros section at all - I just happened to discover it (this is particularly fun with the Anthology Tweaks "2h katana" as it allows backtabbing with the katana while wielded/proficient in 2h).

    Overall, I think if "Thug" received feats, they would be balanced (not stronger than trueclass, but having a useful alternative setup).

  13. I would say, no particular reason other than pure happenstance/convenience/laziness 😃

    When I began to set up a "mega" install, I ended up coming across various suggestions for mods on here, reddit, and beamdog forums - most would lead to github downloads for the mods, or a g3 mod page (some SHS download page) - some others, old 404 pages.

    Eventually I ended up on that site and saw a lot of mods for download that were difficult to find on their official sites (or hadn't been updated till 2008), so it was easy to jump through a few pages of direct mod downloads on one site, vs googling each one listed and finding an alternative/original download (also, at the time I was getting the archives, I wasn't aware of issues with that being a download source).

    Not to delve into mod review as it's unrelated to this topic, but the main mod (Sandrah) in some ways has grown on me if not taken too seriously - in fact, if the mod had perhaps 1/10th the banter and removed a lot of the overpowered things, it'd be a neat "full playthrough" companion - sort of like Navi in the Zelda games.


  14. 7 minutes ago, lynx said:

    Plus, I doubt the stated reason for slowdowns. Anyway, you can disable the comments in the options.

    I had added some print debugging to my fork of NearInfinity, in this file "src/org/infinity/resource/key/ResourceEntry.java" for the getSearchString() function - the only thing I've done is:

    1. Fresh launch NearInfinity

    2. Press ctrl + i to open a file (I chose cvjenlig.bcs, a massive bcs file I guess)

    3. I see a lot of output about doing the search string lookups (my print debugging)

    4. If I scroll the file, it will freeze up, and more of these getSearchString() lookups will occur after a few second pause (the GUI looks like its hanging on a blocking thread vs using events or callbacks when this happens)

    This is with a NI that I forked/cloned off git about 1 month ago and other than a few System.out.println, didn't do anything to it other than recompile with ant.

    Ignoring the obvious slow lookups (it takes about 1 second per getSearchString call, and a single scroll down in the bcs file invokes 5 to 10 of these lookups) I don't see _why_ NI does the lookups here?  All I see is the BCS source code, maybe its some type of IDE feature if I mouse over or click on the resources its looking up?

  15. Hi all - I was trying to open some .bcs files in NearInfinity (GNU/Linux) and it's pretty much unusable.

    It looks like the tool is doing strref lookups as I try to scroll down in a large .bcs file, which is causing a long hang each time on my megamod install.

    Is there a more lightweight approach to editing bcs files?  (perhaps if embedded strref is a thing, that would just leave the strref offset in place, without doing the lookup?)

    My ideal workflow would be something like:

      mysteryProgram --decompile something.bcs > something.baf

      emacs something.baf # proceed to edit file

      mysteryProgram --compile something.baf > something.bcs


    What options for editing (or compiling+decompiling) BCS files are out there?  Preferably native GNU/Linux.

  16. I've noticed a very common pattern in quest/npc mods tends to be overly powerful weapons - some mods (Scales of Balance) address some known weapons by normalizing them, but I was still able to find some ridiculously overpowered items before reaching Nashkel (Tristan and Isolde attacked - I easily killed them, and received a katana with base damage + 1d4 magic + 2 APR, and a dagger that sets APR to 5).

    What if there was a mod (perhaps there is?) that went through every item in override, and toggled ON the breakable bit (assuming this bit implies the item can be broken, not that it is broken)? 

    Then a mega mod installer could play guilt-free with the overpowered items, knowing that after some usage, they would break, requiring additional cycling through gear?

    Are there any caveats with the breakable bit?  In an EET game, would basic weapons remain breakable the entire playthrough, or only on the BG1 portion?

  17. Regarding divine temple crash, I noticed I had expanded temple services from both mih_sp #15 (Made in Heaven Spell Pack) and atweaks similarly named component installed, and the crash was happening at multiple temples (maybe all *except* the candlekeep one).  Removing atweaks one didn't fix it, so I'll be testing with both removed today.

    While rarer than the records screen, I've also hit a few "out in the field" (characters walking around areas) crashes since upping my total mods, which is to be expected I guess...

    FWIW, I did wrap by game in an strace last night while triggering the temple crash, but the output wasn't insightful (just generic messages about EV events).

    Update: Turns out my temple crash was due to a mod (IRR) leaving "spprxxx.spl" as an offered spell in the .sto file for a handful of stores - I don't _think_ I interrupted any mod installs, but maybe I didn't delete enough files when 'resetting' my install by restoring chitin/dialog and deleting all files in override/ - I notice some mods are not stateless in their own install directories and if not going through weidu uninstall, need to be deleted + unzipped fresh.

  18. Wow nice, thank you for the additional info!

    My hardware is a Thinkpad W530 with 16 GB ram / SSD with ~15GB free, and a 3.4Ghz 8 core cpu, so I don't think I'm hitting any ceilings, although I usually monitor cpu temp more than ram usage, so I should keep an eye on that...

    "file" shows it as a native binary, but it's possible they wrapped in wine somehow (although I think it's actually native, granted I haven't tried to scan it for wine debug symbols or strings):

    baldursgateii: ELF 64-bit LSB pie executable, x86-64, version 1 (GNU/Linux), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, BuildID[sha1]=b747ca0952ffb99ac29b0e6cd8d9efcd31cb0b72, not stripped

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