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Everything posted by crysthala

  1. Ah. I suspected as much. Well, anyway, with all these great guides around, I was finally able to install a lighting mod so I can actually see where I'm going. And so it begins... thanks!
  2. It works! Thanks so much. That was exciting, it was my first time using Make. Would there be any call to upload the archive somewhere to save others the trouble?
  3. Hi! I'm trying to get WeiDU working on Linux Mint 19.3 using this guide: here. However, I can't get it installed properly. I get this message in the terminal if I try to access it: weidu: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libm.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.29' not found (required by weidu) This is caused by a missing library, specifically libc6. WeiDU spits upon version 2.27 of this library, but the one it demands (2.29) isn't really "supposed" to be installed on Mint 19. There is a workaround, but there's disagreement about whether it would break things. Would this be solved by upgrading to Mint 20? Is there a safe previous release of WeiDU I can use, or a way to get it to accept my sad peasant version of this library? Have I even given you guys the information you need to help me with this problem? I'm still pretty new at tackling issues like this on a Linux system, and I'd appreciate some advice. I love mods and the spirit of modding and I'm itching to get into it with BGEE. Thanks
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