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Posts posted by Kelenthial

  1. I know but that... that was a masterpiece and one that justifies you now concentrating only on evil/neutral romances. Because Kivan is *the* ultimate good romance. At least in my humble opinion.

    And, besides, you are the only person that writes evil/neutral npcs so skilfully. So, don't waste your time at goodie two-shoes! ^^'


    Um, yeah, I guess I am... leaning towards evil? ahaha...ha*cough*


    (compared to the state from few weeks ago the poll... has changed :|)

  2. Hm, well, you may want to email Fisha about it; I remember her showing up a year ago or so to see if anyone has completed HD romance mod. She wasn't interested in coming back to modding, but I guess that if she still has a mod done 4 years ago, she would repost it. Other than that you may ask the older (meaning: being here nearly from the beginning) community members if they have a copy somewhere on their cds/hardrives/anywhere.

  3. Yup, I agree with Kelenthial - faster with it! I'm already watching the box with my IWD2 copy like a hungry dog would watch "forgotten" piece of beefsteak


    Yeah. The last moments are always the most trying...



    In real life I would stick to someone more like me.


    LOL. I would actaully LOVE to meet a guy more like me! But I fear it would mean a true disaster for the rest of the world



    And while we are swinging of-topic...


    Jenova I have just noticed from WHERE exactly do you come from... And I found it highly amusing for some reason, lol.



    Pozdrowienia, krajanko! ^^'

  4. The truth is that no girl would ever let a guy like that even near in real life, but since it's a game and you can roleplay a woman that is more like a Black Widow than a human (elf/orc/dwarf/whatever) than why not spice up your life with a man that is as bad as you?


    Actually, most of them believe in the cliche 'he is not evil, just misunderstood'. And: 'if he only would get enough lovin' he would turn out a good guy in the end'.


    But on the other hand Riz looks like everything such a woman might ever wish for (and still have Diriel for supper )


    I must say that I would be actually tempted to romance a guy like Rizdaer (in the personality area, not the homocidical one, lol... ) in The Life of Real, and I would probably give it a try. With Diriel... Hm, I don't think so. Why? There is one thing I am no lacking and absolutely can't imagine my partner lacking: tolerance. A chauvinistic or racist guy has no chances with me. In the fantasy setting people can change their alignments and more absurd views, however I don't believe in a true change of heart here, on the other side of the mirror.


    So, the romance with Diriel could give you some heavy role play experience, whatever then end it would always be very unique and interesting adventure (of sorts), because Diriel is very 'rare person' indeed (just look at it as if it was a very good book, not necessary light and not necessary bright), and there is always a *chance* that it would turn out right, and in the end all of the slowly persuasions (by all means) would be worth it, the reward being grand indeed. However it is a scarce chance indeed. And while we would love to risk playing it in ID2 I really doubt that many women in the Life of Real would risk their life and happines like that. That is one of reasons we play rpg - to try things we would never have courage (/would never be foolish enough;P) to do here.


    However, I think I can safely say that he is a different flavor of elf, so I don't think a romance involving him would be too repetitive


    Exactly what I was aiming at :>.


    I'll be interested to see whether he is still popular after people play with him.


    Me too.


    I think so. I think that his 'popularity' is a measurement of his dissimilarity. People will either love him or hate him, but I doubt he will be left unnoticed.


    And I guess I should go attend to that part for now.



    Yeeeesss.. You most certainly SHOULD. Not that I am hinting at anything... :)



    I'll keep my fingers crossed that Diriel is not the only NPC people will like in the end


    Surely not! Don't even think that way, we simply luv them all already, lol!^^'



    Besides, if people feel strongly about Diriel, his interventions into the other romances will be that much more interesting.


    And now you have picked my interest.... Faster with the alpha, faster with the alpha, faster.... !!!



  5. Though, to be honest, I think Diriel is one of those chars one has to see in the game to decide if they like him or not. I don't know just how easy it is to love him, but I am pretty certain it is easy to hate him.



    On the one hand, you are right. On the other hand, when I see that *really a lots of fangirls* whine at the NWN2 forums that they SO LOVE Bishop and simply HAVE to romance him, all of my doubts as to Diriel's eventual popularity dissolve into thin air...^^'



    Besides, there are quite a few elven romances out there, and only one drow, and that not exactly drow, with all due hommage to Weimer as the father of modern IE modding.



    True with the lack of drow romance. To be honest I can't see why some people see drow NPC mods as a cliche when, honestly, no (or very little of) really well done ones was ever developed. They usually stop at the 'idea' stage and get badly critiqued by some people :| And I must say I am really happy to see YOU doing a drow romance, Domi. The first thing is that after playing your mods earlier I am quite sure that whatever you do it probably will be worth my playing time and/or enjoyable. The second thing is that I doubt that any troll will have a courage to flame you for writing one thing or another ;] However I must disagree with the 'quite few elven romances out there' theme. Not because it is untrue but because I think that (from what I have heard of him) Diriel is rather very untypical for an romanceable elven NPC, or for an elven NPC at all. You have used some well selected dark themes and some well-thought faults. Of course I can change my mind after playing the mod, but I doubt it;) I think I sometimes even vaunt with my intuition...^^' But the thing is that it rarely fails me. And I have the feeling that this romance written by you would be a masterpiece.. Oh well it just won't be.

  6. Yeah.. Diriel.. Diriel, Diriel, I still can't get used to the thought that you can't have a full romance with him... ESPECIALLY when Mrs. Cake has done one of the most beautiful portraits I have ever seen in the ID2 series. And yes, I am an aesthete.


    Domi, perhaps a mod for the mod? Lol...

  7. Awww. I like Hugo Weaving. Don't be hatin'.


    I didn't say I don't like him at all. I just REALLY don't like him as Elrond. Besides that I have nothing against him:) And see? We brunette-lovers lead now;p Yeah, told you so. (just kidding, just kidding.. ^^')

  8. Ooooohhh... I like it SO better ^^'! Thank you, Dear. And stop with this Elrond-thingie... That actor (what's his name, again?) was SO horrible in that role... *shudders* I will have nightmares if I associate any of that wth Rizdaer...


    Thank you once more:)

  9. If you want a dark haired version, Kelenthial, you can PM me and I can make one for you.


    Oh, you are my hero! :) Or should I say.. heroine:). But, seriously, it is a rare thing to see someone so open for requests and other POV's. You make The Gibberlings proud, I am sure;). I will PM you -- just later. It is kind of late (4 AM) and I would like to have a little sleep...^^'

  10. Oh, I can see it now, too! And I am sorry, but I must say I like it the least;/.. The hair looks just artificial to me, and therefore it doesn't accomplishl it's aim. I mean, Rizd died his hair to not stand out so from the surfacers. With a hair like that every guy would be focusing the attention of every being within a mile radious, like his clothes were afire and clouds of smoke were bursting from his ears. I know, I know, I am complaining and even whining, perhaps, but I still think that it is a bad idea to do his hair in so 'outstanding' way. besides, If I were him and wanted to die my hair so to defy my drow heritage I would die it black. Not only drow seldom have black hair but it would be so much handy for sneaky work, and a stealthy lifestyle... And it would look much more natural.

  11. Whoa.


    What can I say? These portraits are absolutely awesome! Shame that I can't see Rizdaer's. Perhaps the link is valid? I have been refreshing my mozilla for some time now and it still doesn't work... ;( Oh well. I *will* eventually see it.


    Diriel... Oooooh, Diriel... *gulp* The portrait alone makes me fall in love with a character. smile.gif


    And Prachi. Beautiful.


    And when I read the character concepts, I realised these are two characters my protagonist would grow close to. And they are not romanceable. Ah.


    Domi, now I totally understand what you meant when you said your favourite characters never turned out romanceable in games.


    I concur:) Heh, Kulyok has actually spoken also my mind aloud - which is no surprise since I adored Diriel from the beginning (hands over! He is mine! MINE I say! <jk>). And his portrait is FAN - TAS - TIC! Absolutely the best from the pack -- well, i haven't seen Rizdaer's, but from what I have seen Diriel rocks;) *drools*. And Prachi has the second place. Quite interesting is that I already like her even though I generally bore a deep dislike for anything (and everything) lawful. And she is lawful neutral. Hm. On the other hand Xan was lawful neutral too. And me *cough cough* likes *cough* Xan. (Kulyok: :) :) -- because you have done it right, even if in completely different POV than I represent... Also for Domi - for Kivan. And for this mod. It is going to be a blast, we all see it is going to be.... So, when the official alpha?:) <I know, I know you have already answered that. But, hey, we are here to bug you - aka give constructive feedback - so you would have a will and motivation to complete it sooner.. So... when the official alpha?:)>)


    Anyway, with Diriel -- thanks one again for the easter egg, Domi, but, well it is *not* a full romance so I am still dissapointed ;( Oh well, I still have Rizdaer to brighten me up;). Can't have everything... just like in the Life of Real;>.


    As for the rest of the portraits -- is it just me or does Salma (;>) looks more cute than sexy? Because of her face lines, most obviously. And expression. The dark, perfect IMO eyes are contrasting to much with the soft lines of lips and the lower part of the face. But, oh well, it is surely just me. Me has this bad habit of looking at everything with critic eyes and being perfectionist to the core when I am actually doing anything. That meaning, that I seldom get things completed, as they are never good enough. But that's another tale..:D


    Oh, and Jamael is a pleasant surprise, too. I actually think that that is the best Xan portrait I have ever seen... XD Yeah. I know...


    And Valeroo. A little bit gothic, but very nice. I don't know of whom does she remind me - and she does... But I know that Diriel looks *just a little bit* like the guy who has played Lestat in this (screwed up) movie "Queen of The Damned"... The book was SO better... But no. I am not even going there...

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