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Everything posted by TotalMilk90

  1. Thanks for the support jastey! My plan is to have a passageway somewhere outside in Beregost. Maybe near the row of white trees behind Feldposts or next to the spider house. There’s a few other spots that look cool too. I haven’t got to this yet though because I’m working on all the other stuff and I don’t know how to do that yet. I’ve been at it for a few weeks now working on it everyday so it’s moving along pretty nicely. It’s writing the dialog that is taking up like 90% of my time. It has given me so much more respect for other modders dialog, it is not easy at all. I would like to consider adding a more good path but the way I have it setup is you can’t progress the main story line(which isn’t really evil) until you work your way through some of the petty thieving/extortion quests.
  2. Hi everyone, I’ve just made post in the Beamdog forums detailing a bit of a new mod I’m working on. I wanted to make a post here as well since you guys have been really helpful in the discord (I’m Bagel) with getting me past some modding roadblocks. The mod is pretty small mostly because there’s so much I haven’t figured out how to do yet. It’s going to add a thieves guild into Beregost that will offer thief related quests. At the end of the main quest line I’d like to have the player take over the guild if they a thief similar to the bg2 thief stronghold. I’m trying to just take it one step at a time though and work on things that I know how to do and then move onto new things. So far I can do things like appending dialog, creating creatures/items and adding simple scripts for attacking and spawning in neutral creatures. Things I still need to learn are editing areas to add new transitions that lead into new areas. And I’m sure there will be more stuff as I get further along. Thanks for all the help so far and I hope you guys like my mod idea!
  3. Aww man that’s sad to hear. Would have been such a cool thing to have.
  4. Is there any mod out there that adds this mechanic, or is there a way it could be done using Near Infinity? Is it even possible to implement? I thought maybe adding a PICK_POCKETS line to the XPBONUS.2DA would work but that was just wishful thinking. Thanks!
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