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Everything posted by dark0dave

  1. Progressing slowly, banters have been added. Still working on intro quest. https://github.com/dark0dave/BaeBG2/releases/tag/v0.0.2
  2. @MikeXI have a new release which fixes your issue. Should be fine to proceed whatever formatting you chose for mods. Ie, windows can now parse linux format and linux can now parse windows. I also now have a fix for BGT and EET This release should fix both of your issues: https://github.com/dark0dave/mod_installer/releases/tag/v5.1.0
  3. Hi @MikeX, Sorry it took me so long to respond. This error: thread 'main' panicked at src\mod_component.rs:30:32: Could not find tp2 file, from: ~TOBEX/TOBEX.TP2~ #0 #100 // TobEx - Core: v28 Is caused by: ~TOBEX\TOBEX.TP2~ #0 #100 // TobEx - Core: v28 <- this is formatted for linux ~TOBEX/TOBEX.TP2~ #0 #100 // TobEx - Core: v28 <- this is formatted for windows Notice the / to \ difference. I have fixed this. For installing ~BGT\BGT.TP2, I'll add a handler for that case, it looks like its structured differently to the mods. Thank you for the issue on github as well. I have been busy (its a bad excuse I know). But I'll try to fix this.
  4. Are people interested in a return of one of the best EE characters into BG2? I have something its so alpha it hurts, but I'd like to know if the community is interested: I will do my best to keep baeloth, baeloth. As always happy for recommendations and feedback. Notes: - Flair for the dramatic - HILARIOUS alliterations Source: https://github.com/dark0dave/BaeBG2 Mirrors: https://git.sr.ht/~dark0dave/BaeBG2
  5. Post infinity is designed to operate a little like NearInfinity but purely command line based. It can read some binary game files for BGEE and BG2EE . It prints the binary game data files, can turn them into json and back again. example Can find the source and releases below: post_infinity Currently this is still a work in progress, how ever current functionality allows for a range of ie files to be read at a super fast speed. This tool is intended as a library to help mod developers understand the files they are working with. Feedback and prs are most welcome. As always I'd like to say thank you to this community. Mirrors: gitlab source hut
  6. I should add that we are up to version 3.0.1, now for the mod installer. More features are coming watch this space!
  7. I have put together a very very rough mod installer, which installs mods (given a mod directory with .tp2 files) based on a previous saved weidu.log. This is very much a work in progress, but I would appreciate any input or thoughts. The intent with this mod is to optimize the install experience if you have a long log file then it can take a considerable amount of time to install mods. This tool should help that. Here is an example: mod_installer --log-file /home/x/projects/bg_mods/current_bg1_weidu.log --game-directory /home/casefold/bg1--weidu-binary /home/x/projects/bg_mods/tools/weidu/weidu --mod-directories /home/x/projects/bg_mods/mods (you can browse my layout here) Here above I am using my bg1 weidu log, I have given my game directory as /home/casefold/bg1, my weidu-binary from my tools folder and some mod directories to search. The tool traverses folder structure (4 levels deep) until it finds a .tp2 file, which it attempts to match to an entry in the weidu.log file. From there it executes weidu with the following: weidu {mod_name}/{mod_tp_file} --quick-log --yes --ask-only {component} --use-lang {game_lang} --language {mod_lang} This is executed from rust as a separate process, if errors are detected the process exits, if prompts are detected user input is asked for, otherwise the mod is auto installed. Re or Already installed mods are skipped. https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/52840419/273416999-98127744-850e-43a1-a9be-adc078b2a829.webm Source is found here: https://github.com/dark0dave/mod_installer mirrors: https://gitlab.com/dark0dave/mod_installer https://git.sr.ht:~dark0dave/mod_installer Shout out to @morpheus562 for being helpful as always.
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