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Posts posted by Exal

  1. 13 hours ago, mickabouille said:

    Hi, I expect the "french" branch from the pull request to be terminally unadequate. It could maybe be mergeable but I don't expect it to be.

    On the other hand, I think the https://github.com/mleduque/TomeAndBlood/tree/0.9.48-fr being much more recent may be useable (only missing new component names from 0.9.49, "Low-Level Spells Allowed" opposition schools.

    Which would be easy to fix (it would break install beacuase of missing strings).

    I don't remember how far I tested 0.9.48-fr though

    EDIT: and actually https://github.com/mleduque/TomeAndBlood/tree/0.9.49-fr  may work)

    Thanks, i'll try 0.9.49. Since it's just for component cantrip lvl1 et wand cantrip i should be good.

  2. Hello, was wondering if i could use the current release and drop the French traduction commit on top? Or wil it break thing? :)


    And for the cantrip component, can i install lvl1 cantrip AND wand cantrip simultaneously? I really love the lvl1 cantrip idea, but i also love the idea of getting rid of sling. On a related note, for the wand cantrip, since it's an attack if i select my mage and click on a enemy to attack, it will use the wand by default?

  3. 27 minutes ago, morpheus562 said:

    I don't use Tome and Blood, so I have no idea how that all works.


    Well that componant makes all lvl1 spells unlimited in use (while nerfing them). But the question is more general, is it possible to change how a character act when i click to attack something, so that instead of using any weapon the character use a spell?

  4. It wooooooooooooorrrrrrrkkkkkks !!

    @morpheus562 @Enigmajazz Thanks for the help !


    First problem solved. Now, i would like to use Tome & Blood, the cantrip part. But looking at the Tome & Blood part of your script it seems it's only for a change in invisibility.


    How complex would it be if i wanted my mage to cast Magic Missile by default when i click to attack an enemy (since magic missile has unlimited use but is nerfed with T&B). I could chose to cast something else in between 2 magic missile but once the other cast is finished it would default back to Magic missile.


    I'd like my mage to use magic not a F**ing sling :)

  5. 7 minutes ago, morpheus562 said:

    I don't have a game loaded with SR anymore, but if you get a fresh install you're welcome to test against it with the version of SR you are running. Removing the golem mod should resolve your issue, but it would be worth it to check first.

    It works on a light install. It's just that i did not knew there could be a problem with too many spell :)


  6. 18 minutes ago, morpheus562 said:

    Probably over the limit. Additionally, do you have anything also assigning a spellstate to the same place as MAGE_ARMOR?

    Sorry i don't understand, if you mean a mod that would assign another spellstate to mage armor, then no. I cheked doing a changelog for splstate.ids


    So if i remove the golem mod i should be good?

    Edit : i pasted quick and dirty an install and change manualy the spellstate for MAGE_ARMOR in splstate.ids and inside the spwi102.spl but it's not working.


    change-log.zip splstate.ids

  7. Ok, after more reshearch :

    In splstate.ids i had 

    MAGE_ARMOR on 258 in splstate.ids and 260 in spwi102.spl

    GOLEM_CURSE on 260 in splstate

    I tried a lot of convoluted stuff then something simple, i reainstalled Enhanced Powergaming Script since GOLEM_CURSE was created by EPS. Now i have MAGE_ARMOR 258 in splstate and spwi102.spl

    Am doing a new install to confirm.


    Edit :

    That was not it. ;'(

  8. @morpheus562 i decided to go down the rabbit hole :) with some help on the french side of things. Here are my findings !

    Edit : note that my character is spamming mage armor without having to tell him to prebuff, don't know if it's important


    Script bloc that is spamming Mage Armor

            EEex_LuaTrigger("return AmAttacking()")
        !EEex_LuaTrigger("return AmMoving()")
        HaveSpell(WIZARD_ARMOR)  // SPWI102.SPL (Armure de Mage)
        RESPONSE #100
            DisplayStringHead(Myself,321164)  // Running block 199 of BDDEFAI.BCS
            Spell(Myself,WIZARD_ARMOR)  // SPWI102.SPL (Armure de Mage)


    Effect applied by spwi102.spl

    Effect 0: Type: Apply effects list (326),Target: Preset target (2),Power: 0,Unused: 0,Creature type: STAT SPELLPEN = 1 (225),Timing mode: Instant/Permanent until death - 1,Dispel/Resistance: Natural/Nonmagical (0),Duration: 0,Probability 1: 100,Probability 2: 0,Reso
    Effect 1: Type: Apply effects list (326),Target: Preset target (2),Power: 0,Unused: 0,Creature type: STAT SPELLPEN = 2 (226),Timing mode: Instant/Permanent until death - 1,Dispel/Resistance: Natural/Nonmagical (0),Duration: 0,Probability 1: 100,Probability 2: 0,Reso
    Effect 2: Type: Remove effects by resource (321),Target: Self (1),Power: 0,Unused: 0,Type: Default (0),Timing mode: Instant/Permanent until death - 1,Dispel/Resistance: Natural/Nonmagical (0),Duration: 0,Probability 1: 100,Probability 2: 0,Resource: SPWI102.SPL (Arm
    Effect 3: Type: AC bonus (0),Target: Self (1),Power: 1,AC value: 5,Bonus to: ( Set base AC to value(4) ),Timing mode: Instant/Limited - 0,Dispel/Resistance: Dispel/Bypass resistance (3),Duration: 2400,Probability 1: 100,Probability 2: 0,Unused: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
    Effect 4: Type: Set spell state (328),Target: Self (1),Power: 1,Unused: 3,State: MAGE_ARMOR - 260,Timing mode: Instant/Limited - 0,Dispel/Resistance: Dispel/Bypass resistance (3),Duration: 2400,Probability 1: 100,Probability 2: 0,Unused: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 h,# 
    Effect 5: Type: Modify script state (282),Target: Self (1),Power: 1,Value: 3,State: Scripting State 5 / Defensive Modifier (4),Timing mode: Instant/Limited - 0,Dispel/Resistance: Dispel/Bypass resistance (3),Duration: 2400,Probability 1: 100,Probability 2: 0,Unused:
    Effect 6: Type: Display portrait icon (142),Target: Self (1),Power: 1,Unused: 0,Icon: Armure magique (12),Timing mode: Instant/Limited - 0,Dispel/Resistance: Dispel/Bypass resistance (3),Duration: 2400,Probability 1: 100,Probability 2: 0,Unused: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    Effect 7: Type: Play sound (174),Target: Self (1),Power: 1,Unused: 0,Unused: 0,Timing mode: Delay/Permanent - 4,Dispel/Resistance: Dispel/Bypass resistance (3),Duration: 2400,Probability 1: 100,Probability 2: 0,Resource: D5EFF02.WAV,# dice thrown/maximum level: 0,Di
    Effect 8: Type: Play visual effect (215),Target: Self (1),Power: 1,Unused: 0,Play where?: Over target (attached) (1),Timing mode: Instant/Limited - 0,Dispel/Resistance: Dispel/Bypass resistance (3),Duration: 3,Probability 1: 100,Probability 2: 0,Resource: ICARMOR.VV
    Effect 9: Type: Protection from spell (206),Target: Self (1),Power: 1,String: <NO TEXT>,Unused: 0,Timing mode: Instant/Limited - 0,Dispel/Resistance: Dispel/Bypass resistance (3),Duration: 2400,Probability 1: 100,Probability 2: 0,Resource: SPWI317.SPL (Armure Fantom
    Effect 10: Type: Protection from spell (206),Target: Self (1),Power: 1,String: <NO TEXT>,Unused: 0,Timing mode: Instant/Limited - 0,Dispel/Resistance: Dispel/Bypass resistance (3),Duration: 2400,Probability 1: 100,Probability 2: 0,Resource: SPWI414.SPL (Armure Spirit

    My understanding is not the best but, since it applies MAGE_ARMOR at effect 4 it should not cause problem no?


    And last, is the effect applied on the save on the screenshot.

    Is there anything easy that you see from those info? (spwi102 is only affected by SR, i did a changelog)



  9. 12 minutes ago, morpheus562 said:

    Yes, I use sr to another spell Revisions files within my file structure.


    I think i need to switch to SR Revised or let go of spell rev. It also mean that i need to switch to Item Revision revised if i want full compatibility. Problem is that they are not translated so it makes the install with BWS_FR dicey :) I did not see in the compatibility section that it was the revised version ^^


  10. 14 minutes ago, morpheus562 said:

    baf\normal\sr is the base path for the SR scripts, and lib\bg2ee has sr_prebuff_5e.tpa file which further modifies the script to account for the changes with 5e spellcasting being introduced. Components/bg2ee has main_component.tpa which will further modify the script file and maps the 5e version of the spell to its correct spell name as they are dynamically generated.

    You can look at bddefai.bcs to see the exact spell being cast from 5e and then working down the rabbit hole to see which spell should be applying the MAGE_ARMOR spellstate.


    Ok bad explanation on my part i only have Spell Rev that modify spells, no 5e casting. But am gessing that sr_ stands for Spell Rev in your files

    Thanks for the replay, so much more complicated than i though :)


  11. Hello, i'm having the problem with spell rev (4.19rc4) where my sorc is spamming mage armor. @morpheus562 i'm gessing that if i want to keep spell rev i have to make a small modification in your script. Would it be possible for you to guide me in this modification?



    My install is with BWS (it's maintained for FR) 

    I found mocore.baf in Steam/common/BG2EE/enhanced-powergaming-script/baf/normal and opened it with Near Infinity, but all reference to mage armor seem to be related to 5e spellcasting. It's checking spell state MAGE_ARMOR 

    In SPWI102.SPL it says that the spell applies State : MAGE_ARMOR spell state 328 and modify script state 282



    So i kept digging and there is a SPWI102u.SPL inside the overwrite folder, i think it's the one from SpellRev from my understanding it overwrite the SPWI102 and give innate ability 171

    Effect type 171 directly apply the spell specified by the ressource key wich is SPWI102.SPL. So the problem is the spell is not cast? but directly applied?


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