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Everything posted by canti

  1. So I tried beta 5 today, here are a couple of code issues I could find that seems to interfere on dual classing stuff: ui_detect_class_kit.tph:674 uses Infinity_GetString(str) should be Infinity_FetchString(str)? (not sure on this, just could not find GetString function anywhere else) ui_detect_class_kit:678 I couldn't find instances of dwClassByName declared anywhere; I believe it should return the class number as per second_class variable (on line 673) as the first_class variable is already returning just a number; tested both locally (BG2EE 2.6.6) and it seems to solve leveling up issues on multi classes I'm attaching my modified m_dw_dkf.lua. Also, cheers on another great mod! m_dw_dkf.lua
  2. Hello! I tried to install ToF with couple other mods along with EET and got this error. Here's WeiDu log + debug. weidus.7z
  3. I know it's very minor, and DavidW won't be able to correct it (most likely) but EEKeeper will also show those artifacts.
  4. WeiDU.logHere's my latest weidu log. After my last setup I found it occurring on the dual class screen: https://ibb.co/txp26y4
  5. I tested, with those hotfixes and cloning from github, both Lefreut's UI and Dragonspear++ both are still showing the {x=y,z=a} values
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