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J Beau

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Posts posted by J Beau

  1. 14 hours ago, Jarno Mikkola said:

    How does this work:

    To put months before the day, and then the year ? Makes no sense. It's either dd-mm-yyyy, or the reverse; yyyy-mm-dd. Aka, what's the most important number, yours seems to be the Month.

    FYI - 4-23-2024 is the standard dating format in the United States. You will occasionally see other formats but my drivers license, for example, uses this format. Daeros is legit in his usage.

    I'm really looking forward to the mod. If I could add a small suggestion. Would it be possible for you to separate the item upgrades into "quality of life" vs weapons. For example in Weimer's old item upgrade mod, combining rings of protection with regeneration was great because you didn't have to keep switching out items. But you also had these really OP weapons that were just too tempting to not use. Or maybe make it easy for the end user to cut out some items before install.

  2. It was EET. In SoA I only had one minor glitch that I know of in the mind flayer layer of the underdark. The big trouble was the transition to ToB and it became unplayable. Any interaction with Ninde and ToB would reset and you would be back in the field of stone heads.

  3. I'm having trouble starting the underdark mindflayer tunnels, final arena battle, where you cooperate with Simyaz.

    Simyaz suggests we cooperate against the mindflayers and then the dialogue ends without any reply options for me. And then nothing. The ogre never shows up.

    I somewhat remember from previous play throughs that I should have been given an opportunity to agree to his plan.

    Does anyone know the Global I can enter to continue to the final arena battle?


    Pretty large EET install

    Completed BG & SoD with no significant issues.

    It was a clean install and as far as I know, nothing I installed should have interfered with that scene.


  4. If you are still planning on making additional changes, I have a request. Please do something with The Equalizer. For everything you have to go through to get this weapon, it ends up being pretty underwhelming. It could use a little love.

    I really like what you are doing with this mod. It is going to be one of my "must haves". Thanks

  5. Jastey

    I've been lurking around these sites for years. I've played the game almost from the beginning and I'm a huge fan of your work. That being said, in the next month or so, I'm planning a "Jastey Run" through a big EET install. I'll be using your mods and characters and many of the ones you have contributed to. Sooooo, I was wondering if you thought of giving Grey a little more survivability in SoA and ToB. It really wouldn't need much. After all, dialogue doesn't really require anything else, "WOOF!" A quest would be nice but what is really needed is just a little more attack and defense since he can't use standard items. Really just a +3 weapon in SoA and +4 in ToB and maybe a little armor buff and he is good to go for the whole series.

    Any way, just hoping. Love your work! You're amazing! Thanks for all you do.

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