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Posts posted by _Nix_

  1. Ohhh I get it now! That's brilliant :devil:


    Italian explains a lot about his general behaviour towards women as well. Never mind being brought up in a brothel :)


    I have a Taiwanese-Austrian friend who does that. It's probably a bonus I understand German or I'd never understand anything she says.

  2. Thanks madhatter! Remember, though, that Angelo is 1/2 Sembian, 1/2 Kozakuran :devil:


    So, I made new one. :)

    This is my Angelo.




    He is "Sirota Yuu" (actor) who has a Spanish mother and a Japanese father.


    Don't take this the wrong way, because he's cute and all, but that guy looks about 12 ??? Somewhat closer to Sarelith's (Stabby stabby hate hate kill) age than Angelo's.


    My FR Campaign guide suggests Sembia is pretty much mediterranian. Spanish doesn't seem such a bad interpretation. Italian, maybe?


    Mmm... half italian half japanese. I could live with that ^_^

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