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El Diablo

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Posts posted by El Diablo

  1. Ol another noobish question. I tried giving my new priest of gond kit the knock spell as innate ability by copying the clab.2da for the priest of helm and then replacing the GA_SPCL731 entries with GA_SPWI207 which is the knock spell. Sadly this does not seem to work and there is no knock spell. Am i correct in assuming i need to make a new version of the knock spell as a Innate spell for it to work in this way? and if this is so is there a guide anywhere or tips to do so?


    thanks in advance.


    Now i installed and is sais it does so succesfully. However when i go into BG2EE and look for the kit it;s nowhere to be found. What have i forgotten to do?

    A proper punctuation. :p Humor, it's not one of my gifts... it's one for the entire world.

    Not that that's the reason for the kit not to show up. This tutorial unfortunately only covers the non-EE games, for the EE games, you need to use the weidu's additional provided .tpa file called ft#add_kit_ee.tpa . And the EE v2.0 update just came up, so the official release(v23900) hasn't got it's last updates(v1.1.2) that is available here.

    The example .tp2 itself is a tutorial on how to make kits in for the EE games with the file.



    ah ok thank you. as for the punctuation i'll get to that once i have the basics of making a mod down. step by step, hence why i first just want the basic examples working before i start messing it all up with my own stuff.


    i'll look over the new examples and hope i can understand em.


    EDIT: Step 1 completed getting the kit into the game. Step 2 getting it in so it doesn't crash the game when i click on the kit


    EDIT: Step 2 achieved A note for everyone apparently BG2EE does NOT like "Û" in the kit name. i suspect it won't like other symbols and accents either

  3. Sorry for this probally super noob question but I went through the Tutorial as is and just copied all the codes in Part 3 made a copy of classb .2da that i copied from the Priest o helm kit, Renamed in MYKIT.2da and copied it into the my mod folder. I reverenced the MYKIT.2da in the Tp2 as such

      // path to your CLAB-style 2da file 

    Now i installed and is sais it does so succesfully. However when i go into BG2EE and look for the kit it;s nowhere to be found. What have i forgotten to do? Full code as is now below.

    BACKUP ~MyMod/backup~ // so WeiDU can uninstall
    AUTHOR ~blank_adder@hotmail.com~ // contact address displayed if installation fails
    BEGIN ~Tutorial Kit~ // Techsmith of Gond
    // internal name of the kit
    ADD_KIT ~C!Selune~
      // appended to CLASWEAP.2da
      ~C!Selune                0           0           1           1           0           1           0           0~
      // appended column-wise to WEAPPROF.2da
      ~C!Selune 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0~
      // appended to ABCLASRQ.2da
      ~C!Selune                0       0       0       10       10       0~
      // appended to ABCLSMOD.2da
      ~C!Selune                0       0       0       0       0       0~
      // appended to ABDCDSRQ.2da
      ~C!Selune                0       0       0       0       17      0~
      // appended to ABDCSCRQ.2da
      ~C!Selune                0       0       0       0       15      0~
      // appended to ALIGNMNT.2da
      ~C!Selune                0       0       0       1       0       0       1       1       0~
      // appended to DUALCLAS.2da
      ~C!Selune                1       0       1       1       0       1~
      // path to your CLAB-style 2da file 
      // PC races and classes allowed to use this kit, from KITTABLE.2da
      ~K_C_D K_C_E K_C_G K_C_H K_C_HE K_C_HL K_C_HO~
      // usability flags, added to the end of the KITLIST.2da entry
      ~0x00004000     3~
      // HLA table to use; see LUABBR.2da
      // list of starting equipment for PCs starting in ToB. Appended column-wise to 25STWEAP.2da
      ~CHAN09 * HELM07 BAG20 RING06 RING31 * BOOT01 AMUL19 BRAC16 BELT06 AROW11,40 BULL03,40 BOLT06,40 POTN52,5 POTN4,2 POTN14,5 HAM07 SW1H27 STAF08~
      // Lower, mixed, and help kit names and descriptions, added to KITLIST.2da 
      SAY ~Silverstar of Selûne~
      SAY ~Silverstar of Selûne~
      SAY ~SILVERSTAR OF SELÛNE: Description cut due to length~
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