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Posts posted by Isaya

  1. @DrAzTiK, you seem to be using an obsolete version of the translation mod. I couldn't find the version in the debug file but this line

    [bg2eetrans/language/fr_FR/setup.tra] has 70 translation strings
    is a sign that you're using an old version (the latest has 80 strings).

    The file L_fr_FR.lua has always been part of the mod since version 2.1 of the game. However the previous version was copying it into lang/fr_FR/override, where WeiDU doesn't find it, while the game does.

    Otherwise you would'nt have the game interface in french.

    In the newest version (release september 30th), L_fr_FR.lua is now copied into the global override.

  2. I'm a bit late but I thought I should warn about this.

    First i copied the area file from the original cd. I put one copy in the CD5 directory, one copy in the Data directory and one file in the Cache directory.

    BG II makes an uncompressed bif when it copies a bif file into the Cache directory. So it may not be a good idea to copy a compressed bif into the Cache directory.

  3. Installing the mod in French on BG2EE (V2.3) breaks the game: on Windows, when you double-click Baldur.exe, it starts but never displays the interface. The executable keeps running for a long time (I killed it after more than 30 minutes) while eating processor time.

    The cause lies in the fact that the journal texts in setup.tra (among other texts) are not converted to UTF-8.

    It can be fixed in the tp2 file by removing setup from the list of files to not convert and adding it to the list of files to reload. This requires adding the array of files to reload in the call to HANDLE_CHARSETS.

    ACTION_DEFINE_ARRAY cdnoconvert BEGIN END // All files, including setup.tra, have texts to convert
    ACTION_DEFINE_ARRAY cdreload BEGIN setup END // After conversion, setup.tra must be reloaded for immediate use
    LAF HANDLE_CHARSETS INT_VAR infer_charset = 1 STR_VAR tra_path = ~wheels/tra~ noconvert_array = cdnoconvert reload_array = cdreload default_language = ~english~ END

    Additionally, since English setup.tra is stated as fallback if a text is not present in French setup.tra (in the LANGUAGE statement), I think English should be declared as default language when calling HANDLE_CHARSETS (by adding default_language in the call to HANDLE_CHARSETS, as I did in the example above), so that English texts are also converted just in case a text uses a non-ASCII character.




  4. some of these stuff is used only for debugging (debug file is quite large, so it's easier to have some pointers while analysing it). I will edit French file myself to remove unneeded strings once the tp2 file is traified. Nice to have a list :)

    Translation is still in progress in this file. I'll update it once I'm done. I'll avoid translating things that are obviously debug data.


    Could you please share this tool?

    You can find a description of Translation Retriever here.


    Although the principle used to recover texts for BG2EE is similar, I'm not using the generated tra file to build the language file for BG2EE. Instead I created a tp2 file making the link between a BG2EE text and a BGII or BGEE text.

    Here is a link to the latest version of Translation Retriever. It includes this new capability to create a tp2 file.

    The content is similar to the BG2 Fixpack GTU component, very much like what White Agnus used for his text patch. I built the dialog.tlk using exactly the same process, except that I applied two components, one for BG II texts, one for BGEE texts.


    Additionally, there is some work to do on the tra files extracted from games before using Translation Retriever. You need to convert the encoding to ANSI for the BGEE and BG2EE English files (Translation Retriever is an ANSI application).

    To improve the comparison result, you also need to cleanup the ToB file, especially remove the item usability bits, and to fix typical typos or changes mode in BG2EE. I kept a list of all regexp replacement patterns I applied for this cleanup.


    I can also provide the tp2 files Translation Retriever built regarding text matches between BG2EE and BGII / BGEE, if you're interested.

  5. Fouinto, you can find the initial translation here: https://github.com/Isaya/EET/tree/master/EET/lang/fr_FR. You're welcome to review it.

    K4thos, I pushed the translation files on a forked repository on GitHub. I also created the ogg files. The movies play well in game. Your process to insert the sounds at installation time is amazing.

    I'll make a pull request once the translation has been reviewed.

    I also extracted from the tp2 file all texts used in PRINT/WARN/FAIL and their PATCH counterparts and put them in setup.tra. I assume this file will be used to translate them in the end. I started translating them in anticipation.


    Regarding the BG2EE translation, I did something similar to what WhiteAgnus created to make dialog.tlk file using the original translation. Instead of assuming that there is no change in the texts, my attempt is based on a tool I wrote to extract translations from an existing tlk file when the text is identical (or near identical) to the one you have to translate. In practice this process recovered about 70000 texts of the original set and 1200 of the new texts (74107 and beyond). Using the same method from BGEE file, it also recovered 13500 texts of the original set and 1000 beyond 74107, Most of the texts recovered from BGEE are probably the same as those recovered from BG II, except for things added or changed by the EE games and common in both games. All in all, it probably covers a bit better the interface and game rules texts than by only using original BG II strings but it leave many items or spells in English as it seems that the authors decide to rephrase or reorganise many of them.

    The files are available here. The sounds gathered in bif files are also included.

  6. Hello jastey,


    There is a contradiction between the statement that the mod is available only in English (both in the first post and in the recent announcement of V10) and the update mentionned for German and French for BGEE. ;-)


    Besides, the items are used only on BG1 (romance) and are not installed on BGEE, so technically you didn't need to convert the descriptions to UTF-8. The only text used in the setup.tra are installation texts and in French, we always keep them without special characters because they don't display well in the DOS window, so they don't really need UTF-8 encoding either. It won't hurt though.


    Thanks for the update.

  7. Question: What is the file "x#eldothn.tra" for? It is empty.

    Sorry for the late answer.

    The way this file name is built reminds me of a simular one for Alora, with the final n. I gather it was meant for a new dialog when the component where Eldoth is moved out of Cloackwood is installed, but that that dialog was not created or removed. However the tp2 never references this tra file for any purpose.


    Here's some feedback regarding the French translation and a tool we used to help recovering texts taken from Baldur's Gate or to identify the duplicates between x#ict3.tra and all the x#**int.tra files.

    The tool is called Translation Retriever and can be downloaded here. There is a user manual that should explain how to use it and how to analyse the outputs.

    To use it, you need tra files for the games, in English and in your own language. You can find English dialog.tlk files there. To extract tra files from them, you just need WeiDU (command to run from the game directory):

    weidu --tlkin dialog.tlk --ftlkin dialogF.tlk --traify-tlk --out dialog.tra

    or (if your language doesn't have dialogF.tlk

    weidu --tlkin dialog.tlk --traify-tlk --out dialog.tra


    Comments written by the tool can also be found in the French tra files. Files that are benefited the most from the texts retrieved from the original games (mainly BG, but also a bit from BG II) are:

    • bg1npc_tmp.tra: character names, soundset for non joignable NPCs (many from BG II, as well), items
    • x#ajpcfl_tmp.tra: Ajantis soundset and biography ("your voice is strange" stuff, within player initiated dialogs)
    • x#pcinit_tmp.tra: all NPCs soundset and biography ("your voice is strange" stuff, within player initiated dialogs)

    It's better to run Translation Retriever for these files, since it will replace the texts to translate with the translated ones, in case of perfect match between the mod text and the original game text. There are slightly more than 1000 texts that can be retrieved (almost 40 per NPC soundset + a few more), and that count doesn't include a few 100s for the soundset of non playable characters.


    There are other files of interest, regarding the texts moved out of x#**int.tra and x#totsc.tra files into x#ict3.tra file.

    In x#**int.tra files, you'll find comments like this:

    // BG1 NPC : texte identique dans le fichier x#ict3.tra au numéro 242, probablement inutile de traduire ici !
    @3 = ~Souviens-Toi bien de <CHARNAME>, maire. Je pressens que Tu entendras encore parler de ses exploits dans le futur.~

    The comment means:

    // BG1 NPC : identical text in file x#ict3.tra at line @242, probably no need to translate here!

    This comment highlights where it is likely that the text is not used anymore in x#**int.d, since there is an identical text in x#ict3.tra.

    This kind of comment was generated with a old special build of Translation Retriever, hence the text in French and the explicit reference to BG1 NPC, compared to the version you can download.

    Translation Retreiver didn't know whether the x#**int.d file indeed had code commented for that text, though. Neither did it know if the text was indeed used in the same context (same character) in x#ict3.d! We (humans) checked the context when building the x#ict3.tra file, though.


    When we built the x#ict3.tra file, first from the various x#**ict3.tra files (plus dealing with other unmatched texts), we also added (by hand) similar comments in x#ict3.tra:

    // BG1 NPC : texte identique dans le fichier x#dyint.tra au numéro 3
    @242  = ~Souviens-Toi bien de <CHARNAME>, maire. Je pressens que Tu entendras encore parler de ses exploits dans le futur.~

    which means

    // BG1 NPC : identical text in file x#dyint.tra at line @3

    In the end, this gives the two way match between x#ict3.tra and x#**int.tra. There 837 texts matched this way in x#ict3.tra.


    In case of unmatched comments, trust the one in x#ict3.tra. Comments in x#**int.tra files were generated automatically while those in x#ict3.tra were writtent and checked by humans. ;)


    I believe these comments may help other translation teams, once you know what the comment means.


    The french tra files are also often full of comments regarding the context of the talks and the organisation of the team work, unfortunately in French. This was helpful to proofread but it makes them a bit messy for anyone who doesn't read French, I'm afraid.


    Feel free to ask for clarification. The x#ict3.tra file is now associated to the word "nightmare" among us because of all the discussions on how to deal with it and of the time it took to build and check it, so I may suffer from an inability to talk about it clearly. ;)

  8. Here is the French translation, and a few minor updates

    @129530 = ~Ce composant s'applique uniquement a BG II ou BGT.~

    @410100 = ~Changer la recompense/penalite du statut de chevalier d'Anomen~

    @410101 = ~Sagesse +1 en cas de succes (au lieu du passage a 16)~

    @410102 = ~Sagesse +1 en cas de succes ; Constitution +1 en cas d'echec~

    @410103 = ~Sagesse +1 en cas de succes ; Sagesse -1 et Constitution +1 en cas d'echec~

    @410104 = ~Sagesse +1 en cas de succes ; Sagesse -1 en cas d'echec~


    // One revised WeiDU translation

    @-1029= ~] ?

    [Y]Oui, [N]on ? ~


    // Two new WeiDU translations

    @-1038= ~dem[A]nder pour chaque composant, tout auter, ou choisir une selection pre-definie :~

    @-1039= ~dem[A]nder pour chaque composant, [R]einstaller la configuration courante, tout spprimer, tout auter, ou choisir une selection pre-definie :~


    And here's for the readme

    <strong>Changer la récompense/pénalité du statut de chevalier d'Anomen</strong> -

    <em>Facultatif ; pour BG2 et BGT uniquement</em><br />


    <li>Sagesse +1 en cas de succès (au lieu du passage à 16)</li>

    <li>Sagesse +1 en cas de succès ; Constitution +1 en cas d'échec</li>

    <li>Sagesse +1 en cas de succès ; Sagesse -1 et Constitution +1 en cas d'échec</li>

    <li>Sagesse +1 en cas de succès ; Sagesse -1 en cas d'échec</li>


    En cas de succès au jugement de chevalerie, Anomen verrait normalement sa

    sagesse mise à 16, quelle que soit sa valeur précédente (normalement 12). Ce

    composant augmentera sa sagesse de 1 à la place (si, par exemple, vous voulez

    augmenter sa sagesse dans le composant "Modifier un personnage"). Vous avez

    également quatre choix pour changer ses caractéristiques s'il échoue au test.<br />

    <br />


    I did a quick review of the readme included in the mod and found a few typos and improvements. Since I can't attach a file here, I'll send you an archive through Spellhold Studios.

  9. Sorry Miloch, I didn't understand the code would be protected by language check and that it would only serve when extracting texts from the game. To avoid other issues it should also be protected so that it doesn't trigger with MacOS and Linux. I believe they don't have the same stupid difference between DOS and Windows charset.


    You're right, WeiDU and the game seem to use ANSI only. That's why it can get nasty if people edit the tra files without paying attention to the coding.


    Too bad WeiDU doesn't know about languages (using specific id for each) otherwise this kind of code would be best within WeiDU. That would be a huge change though and might break compatibility. Nevermind. There are probably more interesting features to add.

  10. I don't believe this is worth the trouble. The impact for French is very limited, only a few wrong characters once in a while. Nothing preventing people to read the names properly.


    I believe new problems will arise with this kind of conversion. For instance Russian and Polish use different code pages. When you open a text file, such as the TP2 file, including special characters but in another code page, they look different. When I open a polish or russian tra file, or if I check the typical language description stuff of a mod (the first parameter of LANGUAGE), it's not rare to find special character, such as ~Français (traduit par René)~. I found that such strings for Russian or Polish often displayed with special characters such as àé in the Western code page. So I'm quite sure a conversion would damage the texts for languages using other code pages, since our text files need to remain in 8 bits codes.

  11. Cheers. Yes, I got the stuff in Isaya's file already. We could probably move some of those hardcoded class references from the .tp2 to the .tra file. I don't know if that functionality existed when Nythrun first coded this, but OUTER_SPRINT ~whatever~ @500000 should work now. Not sure if it takes regexp syntax but I would guess so.

    That would indeed be more flexible for the mod if that worked. Either we test or thebigg could tell.


    I was mainly wondering if you see other English text while installing the mod (like "points remaining"). I'm guessing the kit and proficiency names show up in your language? Still not sure where strings like "None of these things interest me" come from - I don't see a reference either in the tp2 or the tra file.

    This text is taken from the game, as are the kit names. This has a drawback: when they include special characters ("Prêtre"), they don't look good in the command window. Nevermind.


    Look for this block in the TP2 file

    	COPY_EXISTING - ~kitlist.2da~   ~override~
      GET_STRREF 0x3f17 ~none_of_these_things~
      SPRINT ~kits_list~ ~0 %none_of_these_things%~

    The text is indeed in the dialog.tlk file (0x3f17 = 16151)

    @16151 = ~None of these things interest me.~


    I'm wondering whether Nythrun was forced by WeiDU to use hexadecimal for this StrRef or if she mastered it enough to write values in it effortlessly. :beer:

  12. I'm glad I can help. :) But it's you, cmorgan, who'll do all the job and should be thanked.


    #58410 is a reference to a text in BG 2. It was used if you clicked on Lucy to talk, but she didn't have anything to say then (LUCY.DLG).

    If the translators of the game did their job, the text shall match for all languages. I can confirm that French and Spanish match the English text. I assume there is no need to add the text to the mod.

  13. The problem with Lucy speaking English is actually plain and simple: the u!lstore.d file has the English strings built-in instead of refering to the tra files.

    Here is a fixed version:

    BEGIN ~LUCY2~ 4 // non-zero flags may indicate non-pausing dialogue
    IF ~True()~ THEN BEGIN 0 // from:
     SAY #58410 /* ~Somewhat haughtily, Lucy turns away as you approach. The wyvern ignores you.~ */
     IF ~~ THEN REPLY @0 /* ~Pardon me, um... ma'am?  Might I inquire as to your name?~ */  DO ~SetGlobal("LucyStore","GLOBAL",1)~ GOTO LucyStore1
    IF ~~ THEN BEGIN LucyStore1 // from: 0
     SAY @1 /* ~Not that it's your business, <RACE>, but my name is Lucy.  Unless you intend to purchase some of my unique wares, you are wasting my time.~ */
     IF ~~ THEN REPLY @2 /* ~Very well, perhaps we will take a look.~ */ GOTO LucyStore4
     IF ~~ THEN REPLY @3 /* ~No thanks.  We will leave you to your thoughts.~ */ GOTO LucyStore2
    IF ~~ THEN BEGIN LucyStore2 // from: 1
     SAY @4 /* ~Fine by me.~ */
     IF ~~ THEN EXIT
    IF ~Global("LucyStore","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN BEGIN LucyStore3
     SAY @5 /* ~Again you disturb me.  Are you here to buy, or here to annoy?~ */
     IF ~~ THEN REPLY @2 /* ~Very well, perhaps we will take a look.~ */ GOTO LucyStore4
     IF ~~ THEN REPLY @3 /* ~No thanks.  We will leave you to your thoughts.~ */ GOTO LucyStore2
    IF ~~ THEN BEGIN LucyStore4 // from: 1.1 3.1
     SAY @6 /* ~Just don't break anything...~ */
     IF ~~ THEN DO ~StartStore("u!lstore",LastTalkedToBy())~

    This is not the result of using --traify again, I just put the texts in comments and used the @ reference already existing in the English tra file. Hence there is no risk of change in the text numbers for the translations.


    As a side note, I noticed that home page of the mod is still pointing to version 3 of the mod for all the links, while the overall download page of G3 is properly referencing version 4.

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