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Posts posted by Drew

  1. Please keep in mind that on several different occasions Valygar is acknowledged by those around him as a Ranger. He also frequently refers to himself as a Ranger. Unless you plan on changing a substantial bit of the dialogue concerning Valygar it's going to look kind of funny having him not be a Ranger.

  2. The main argument against Minsc being a barbarian is that he refers to himself as a Ranger. Repeatedly. And so does every other character in the game. Whatever is done to Minsc, I think he should be left a Ranger (perhaps with a specific kit) for that reason alone.

  3. I still argue that he shouldn't be able to cast spells, but yeh, he should still be a ranger. I actually made a mod that essentially alters his berserk so it doesn't suck and allows him to gain more uses of it while disabling his spell casting. Haven't released it anywhere though. (There's still one kink I'd like to work out. I'm a bit of a perfectionist.)


    Incedentally, NIGHTMARE and I disagree on whether or not Minsc should suffer a spell casting penalty under ordinary play. Reading through the 2e rules it could go either way, depending on your interpretation. In 3e he would be unable to cast spells, though. We've discussed this before as well. :)


    EDIT: it works perfectly now. Thanks, Andyr! I guess I should try to release it somewhere or something...... :)

  4. Another question....I used a spell similar to the one added by the Justifier kit from UB to remove spells from the character each level up and now an extra line gets spouted (One of Jaheira's line, text only, but Minsc's name displayed in front of the line)at every level. Is there any way to rectify this or do you need more info from me?

  5. I made a mod that adds a kit for minsc and gives it to him and can make it work for BG2, but whenever I try to set it up for tutu I get a parse error on the line and columns in which the commands are encompassed and can't install the mod at all I was hoping it's obvious I'm missing something important and I was hoping someone could look at my tp2 and tell me where I'm going wrong.


    BACKUP ~MinscKit/backup~ // so WeiDU can uninstall

    AUTHOR ~atomicswirlie@yahoo.com~ // contact address displayed if installation fails





    BEGIN ~Add berserker kit~ // name of this component

    COPY ~MinscKit/Spin117.spl~ ~override/Spin117.spl~

    ADD_KIT ~rberserk~

    ~rberserk 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1~

    ~rberserk 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0~

    ~rberserk 15 0 0 0 0 0~

    ~rberserk 0 0 0 0 0 0~

    ~rberserk 17 0 17 0 17 0~

    ~rberserk 15 0 15 0 15 0~

    ~rberserk 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0~

    ~rberserk 0 0 0 0 0 0~



    ~0x00004000 12~


    ~CHAN09 * HELM07 BAG20 RING06 RING31 * BOOT01 AMUL19 BRAC16 BELT06 AROW11,40 BULL03,40 BOLT06,40 POTN52,5 POTN4,2 POTN14,5 HAM07 SW1H27 STAF08~

    SAY ~Berserker~

    SAY ~Berserker~

    SAY ~BERSERKER: This is a warrior who is in tune with his animalistic side and, during combat, can acheive an ecstatic state of mind that will enable him to fight longer, harder and more savagely than any human has a right to. Opponents on the battlefield will be unsettled when they see the savage and inhuman element of the berserker's personality.



    May use Enrage ability once per day per 4 levels. This grants the berserker +2 STR and DEX for 10 rounds. While enraged, the berserker gains immunity to Charm, Hold, Fear, Maze, Imprisonment, Stun, and Sleep. The berserker also gains 15 temporary HP which are lost at the end of his rage, potentially killing him.



    The berserker gains no spell casting ability.~



    BEGIN ~Berserker Minsc~

    REQUIRE_COMPONENT ~Setup-MinscKit.tp2~ ~0~ ~You need to install the kit first!~

    COPY_EXISTING ~minsc7.cre~ ~override~

    ~minsc8.cre~ ~override~

    ~minsc9.cre~ ~override~

    ~minsc10.cre~ ~override~

    ~minsc12.cre~ ~override~

    WRITE_SHORT 0x244 0

    WRITE_BYTE 0x246 ~%rberserk%~

    WRITE_BYTE 0x247 0x40


    ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS ~data/25dialog.bif~ THEN BEGIN

    COPY_EXISTING ~Minsc14.cre~ ~override/minsc14.cre~

    WRITE_SHORT 0x244 0

    WRITE_BYTE 0x246 ~%rberserk%~

    WRITE_BYTE 0x247 0x40



    This part works. I'm going to post what I have been trying to do for the next part and hope someone can tell me where I'm screwing up. :)


    BEGIN ~Tutu Berserker Minsc~

    REQUIRE_FILE ~override/_sw1h04.itm~

    COPY_EXISTING ~_minsc.cre~ ~override~

    ~_minsc2.cre~ ~override~

    ~_minsc4.cre~ ~override~

    ~_minsc6.cre~ ~override~

    WRITE_SHORT 0x244 0

    WRITE_BYTE 0x246 ~%rberserk%~

    WRITE_BYTE 0x247 0x40



    The parse error happens at COPY_EXISTING with this piece tacked on to my tp2. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  6. Rangers don't change racial enemies in 2e. Minsc was given a new racial enemy in BG2, but they also raised his stats. I would lump the changed racial enemy in with his stat increases. Bioware just wanted to make him more effective in combat.

  7. I used to think Valygar should be a wizard slayer and that his racial enemy should be a lich, too. I changed my mind when I asked myself when Valygar really started to hate magic. Was it before or after his mother and father became undead and he had to kill them? Sure, he probably hated magic before then as well but I doubt it was as much as he did at the point he meets the PC. Catching a wizard with his pants down is a pretty good way to kill him so he's already a pretty efficient wizard slayer and when he had to kill his parents he would have already selected his racial enemy so there's really no reason to change it, imho.

    I would like to see Valygar lose the ability to cast arcane spells. It's not that he shouldn't be able to cast them; he is a stalker after all. I just think that Valygar would probably refuse to memorise and cast arcane spells and I don't think that I should have to roleplay Valygar. If casting arcane spells is out of character for him then I shouldn't be able to make him do it. Just my 2 cents though!

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