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Posts posted by ronin69hof

  1. Your monitor does not do what this mod does. Your monitor takes, for example, the game at 800x600 and just stretches it to the full size of your monitor. This mod makes the game the actual size of your monitor, 1440x900 for example. Your monitor does not make the game 1400x900 it just stretches the normal game sizes to full screen. I hope I explained that well, if not the Bigg will surely correct me.

  2. 14gp is very low to start. Did you start with any equipment?


    I'll test this with a custom party, I have to admit that so far I've just clicked on one of the pre-made parties and they seem to come with a lot of gold and equipment (I'm not sure why...).




    I had a custom barbarian. He started with a quarterstaff and 14gp. An axe costs 7gp, leather armor costs more gold than I start with.

  3. Starting a new game is hard. At the shop in town all the stuff costs too much and a 1st level barbarian only has 14gp, I cant even buy an axe for that. Might want to take a look at the store prices. I dont remember if this is normal or not but it doesnt seem like it.

  4. Um... how do you install it? Let me be more specific. I downloaded the two files you put on the ftp site. Where do I extract them to? Iwd1 or iwd2



  5. Having a cleric kit be able to use any weapon *is* possible, but it involves playing around with usability flags and assigning a dummy kit to trueclasse clerics, and thus it has plenty of potential for incompatability with other mods.  That said, we haven't really discussed it in regards to DR yet.



    Just a question. To allow clerics to use all weapons cant you just do what Hlid did with the druidic sorcerer? If you look at the bottom of the .tp2 for the Ds it runs just a little script that allows basically all sorcerers in the game to use druid equipment.



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