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Posts posted by sayke

  1. I personally think having interactions between 10 NPCs is going to be awesome =) As it is they interject occasionally, which is how I like it - I'd almost rather they interjected more frequently, as long as the writing is good. I'm very exited for the next full release of GemRB so I can do a giant BGT playthrough with a full 10 party =D

    One thing I was wondering about, though, was hitpoints scaling for enemies. As it stands, I feel like many kinds of enemies, especially in BG1, are too weak. Without any special powers, mobs of kobolds, hobgoblins, gibberlings, etc, are just cannon fodder for any well-planned party. If they had, say, double HP, they might present a significant obstacle... But as it is I can just mow through them, and with 10pp it might get even worse. SCS helps make enemies smarter, which is great, but it only makes a few tougher, which is something I would really like to do.

    Do you have any suggestions for toughening up enemies in 10pp? Something like the increase of HP in Nightmare Mode in BGEE, via modding, would be good, but I'd like to be able to configure it. Thoughts?

  2. This is brilliant - I cannot thank you enough for pushing out the state of the art on this =D

    I'm thinking about starting a new BGT/lots of mods/10pp playthrough but i'm wondering whether I should wait still. What do you think? What remains unsquashed?

  3. This is absolutely fantastic - thank you!! =)

    I'm considering a starting a new game with it, but was wondering whether about compatibility with other mods. If installed last, should larger party sizes just work with with more or less everything?

  4. Um, this is BRILLIANT! Thank you!!!! Once you get a demo of this working, this will revitalize the entire experience of playing the BGT, which is the only way it should be played right now =D

    To understand the current state of play, though, the main things that remain are 1) going through and checking all the scripts so they work with six characters, 2) setting up scrollbars and drag-and-drop for the new portraits, and... What else exactly? Ideally this could be incorporated into WeiDU so it works with WeiDU mods, though, right? Like, how does it work with non-vanilla content?


    Again, very impressive work - thank you thank you thank you!!

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