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Posts posted by Alexander12

  1. On 9/4/2020 at 3:35 AM, Sam. said:

    Whichever directory you run your BAT from is your working directory.  Any file not also in this directory will need an explicit path specified.  It can simplify your BAT file somewhat to have everything in the same directory, but putting ImageMagick, PS BAM, your BAT file, and the images in the same directory can clutter things up.  It's a personal preference.

    Excuse me, and i can't understand about directory of files. in this process took part several key files. Have i located them correctly? I understand that it may be a personal preference, but is it correct according to code above?

    D:\AutoHotkey Scripts\Alexander12 BAM


    Log.txt - is empty file. Yes?


    And BAT-file can be located anywhere? In desktop, disc D, disc C - it doesn't matter? Or it should be located in this folder too? D:\AutoHotkey Scripts\Alexander12 BAM

    And BAT's location has no connection with the code (what was written in text file)?

    And Ps-Bam and magic.exe:




  2. On 9/4/2020 at 3:35 AM, Sam. said:

    Make sure the file name is really "code.bat" and not "code.bat.txt".  To make sure, you will need to enable showing file extensions in the explorer window.  Also, add a new line at the end of the file that says "Pause".  This will give you a chance to see what is going on.  Also, the location of "magick.exe" must either be in your system path, or you must explicitly give the full path in the BAT file.

    Yes, the extension is correct. Now, when i added "Pause", it runs, but gives a lot of mistakes.

    I should choose one of these blocks (according to what type of BAM i need) and add Pause at the end, right?


    The location of "magick.exe" at my computer is - D:\Games\ImageMagick\ImageMagick-6.9.11-Q16.  I see, that you type the location of PS-BAM in your code -

    "D:\Program Files\GitHub Projects\PS-BAM\PS BAM_x64.exe"

    but i don't see the way of magic.exe. it goes only as magick.exe.

    I have installed ImageMagic, but i can't find magick.exe among the .exe files:







  3. On 8/16/2020 at 7:38 AM, Sam. said:

    The code you quoted is creating the three BAMs I posted before.  The lines that start with "REM" are comments and describe the BAM to be created by the following lines.  The 2nd and 3rd one add shadows.  The top one does not.


    "original.png" is the original PNG here in all three cases.  Anything else is just an in-between file until the BAMs are created.


    It logs the console output to a file.  You can pick any path and filename you want, or pass a blank string via double quotes ("") to disable it.  Or just leave those parameters out to disable it.


    Yes.  Exactly this.


    You should just be able to double click it to run it.  Or Right-Click it and select "Open" or "Run".  If you really must run it through a program (you shouldn't need to) it would be the command prompt (cmd.exe).

    Thank you, i have just returned to this. I made the same names of locations where it was possible, in order not to miss smth accidentally. As the names of images.



    But still i am making mistakes. And don't understand the base. When i change this code.txt to BAT and press on it - nothing happens.

    What should i type in Log.txt? The final BAM - CloakB will be placed in D:\AutoHotkey Scripts\Alexander12 BAM? - according to your code? (№2).

    And should i locate the original.png also in this location? And is there any difference where to locate this txt-BAT file? And how to call it?




  4. On 8/12/2020 at 4:26 AM, Sam. said:


    REM EE-only single frame item icon with transparency, no shadow
    magick.exe convert original.png -background lime -alpha Background -fill lime -fuzz 25%% -opaque none -trim -sample 64x64^> CloakA.png
    "D:\Program Files\GitHub Projects\PS-BAM\PS BAM_x64.exe" --AdvancedFLTCompression 1 --AdvancedZlibCompress 2 --AllowShortPalette 1 --AlphaCutoff 10 --AutodetectPalettedBAM 1 --AutodetectPalettedThreshold 500 --BAMProfile "Zero" --Compress 1 --DebugLevelL 1 --DebugLevelP 2 --DebugLevelS 1 --DropDuplicateFrameData 1 --DropDuplicateFrameEntries 1 --DropDuplicatePaletteEntries 1 --DropEmptyCycleEntries 1 --DropUnusedFrameData 1 --DropUnusedFrameEntries 1 --DropUnusedPaletteEntries 1 --ExportFrames "" --ExportFramesAsSequences 0 --ExportPalette "" --ExtraTrimBuffer 2 --ExtraTrimDepth 3 --FindBestRLEIndex 0 --FixPaletteColorErrors 1 --FLTSanityCutoff 720 --ForceShadowColor 2 --ForceTransColor 1 --IntelligentRLE 1 --ItemIcon2EE 0 --MaxRLERun 255 --OrderOfOperations PCE --ReduceFrameColumnLT 1 --ReduceFramePixelLT 1 --ReduceFrameRowLT 1 --ReplacePalette "" --ReplacePaletteMethod Quant --Rotate 0 --Save "BAM" --SearchTransColor 1 --SetXOffset "" --SetYOffset "" --SingleGIF 0 --TrimFrameData 1 --Unify 0 --VerifyOutput 0 --zopfliIterations 5000 --LogFile "D:\AutoHotkey Scripts\Alexander12 BAM\Log.txt" --OutPath "D:\AutoHotkey Scripts\Alexander12 BAM" "D:\AutoHotkey Scripts\Alexander12 BAM\CloakA.png"
    del CloakA.png
    REM EE+Classic item icon, no transparency, with shadow
    magick.exe convert original.png -background lime -alpha Background -fill lime -fuzz 25%% -opaque none -alpha off -trim CloakB.png
    magick.exe convert CloakB.png -fill "#00FF00" -opaque "#000000" -trim -sample 60x60^> RemoveShadow.png
    magick.exe convert RemoveShadow.png -fill "#000000" +opaque "#00FF00" -bordercolor "#00FF00" -border 4 Shadow.png
    magick.exe convert RemoveShadow.png -transparent "#00FF00" RemoveShadow.png
    magick.exe composite RemoveShadow.png Shadow.png NewWithShadow.bmp
    magick.exe convert NewWithShadow.bmp -trim -type Palette -compress none BMP3:CloakB_Sequence_0000_Frame_0000.bmp
    magick.exe convert CloakB.png -sample 32x32^> -trim -type Palette -compress none BMP3:CloakB_Sequence_0001_Frame_0000.bmp
    del CloakB.png Shadow.png RemoveShadow.png NewWithShadow.bmp
    "D:\Program Files\GitHub Projects\PS-BAM\PS BAM_x64.exe" --AdvancedFLTCompression 1 --AdvancedZlibCompress 2 --AllowShortPalette 1 --AlphaCutoff 10 --AutodetectPalettedBAM 1 --AutodetectPalettedThreshold 500 --BAMProfile "ItemIcon" --Compress 1 --DebugLevelL 1 --DebugLevelP 2 --DebugLevelS 1 --DropDuplicateFrameData 1 --DropDuplicateFrameEntries 1 --DropDuplicatePaletteEntries 1 --DropEmptyCycleEntries 1 --DropUnusedFrameData 1 --DropUnusedFrameEntries 1 --DropUnusedPaletteEntries 1 --ExportFrames "" --ExportFramesAsSequences 0 --ExportPalette "" --ExtraTrimBuffer 2 --ExtraTrimDepth 3 --FindBestRLEIndex 0 --FixPaletteColorErrors 1 --FLTSanityCutoff 720 --ForceShadowColor 2 --ForceTransColor 1 --IntelligentRLE 1 --ItemIcon2EE 1 --MaxRLERun 255 --OrderOfOperations PCE --ReduceFrameColumnLT 1 --ReduceFramePixelLT 1 --ReduceFrameRowLT 1 --ReplacePalette "" --ReplacePaletteMethod Quant --Rotate 0 --Save "BAM" --SearchTransColor 1 --SetXOffset "" --SetYOffset "" --SingleGIF 0 --TrimFrameData 1 --Unify 0 --VerifyOutput 0 --zopfliIterations 5000 --LogFile "D:\AutoHotkey Scripts\Alexander12 BAM\Log.txt" --OutPath "D:\AutoHotkey Scripts\Alexander12 BAM" "D:\AutoHotkey Scripts\Alexander12 BAM\CloakB_Sequence_0000_Frame_0000.bmp"
    del CloakB_Sequence_0000_Frame_0000.bmp CloakB_Sequence_0001_Frame_0000.bmp
    REM Hybrid item icon, no transparency, with shadow.
    magick.exe convert original.png -background lime -alpha Background -fill lime -fuzz 25%% -opaque none -alpha off -trim CloakC.png
    magick.exe convert CloakC.png -fill "#00FF00" -opaque "#000000" -trim -sample 60x60^> RemoveShadow.png
    magick.exe convert RemoveShadow.png -fill "#000000" +opaque "#00FF00" -bordercolor "#00FF00" -border 4 Shadow.png
    magick.exe convert RemoveShadow.png -transparent "#00FF00" RemoveShadow.png
    magick.exe composite RemoveShadow.png Shadow.png NewWithShadow.bmp
    magick.exe convert NewWithShadow.bmp -trim -type Palette -compress none BMP3:CloakC_Sequence_0000_Frame_0000.bmp
    magick.exe convert CloakC.png -fill "#00FF00" -opaque "#000000" -trim -sample 64x64^> -background lime -type Palette -compress none BMP3:CloakC_Sequence_0000_Frame_0001.bmp
    magick.exe convert CloakC.png -sample 32x32^> -trim -type Palette -compress none BMP3:CloakC_Sequence_0001_Frame_0000.bmp
    del CloakC.png Shadow.png RemoveShadow.png NewWithShadow.bmp
    "D:\Program Files\GitHub Projects\PS-BAM\PS BAM_x64.exe" --AdvancedFLTCompression 1 --AdvancedZlibCompress 2 --AllowShortPalette 1 --AlphaCutoff 10 --AutodetectPalettedBAM 1 --AutodetectPalettedThreshold 500 --BAMProfile "ItemIcon" --Compress 1 --DebugLevelL 1 --DebugLevelP 2 --DebugLevelS 1 --DropDuplicateFrameData 1 --DropDuplicateFrameEntries 1 --DropDuplicatePaletteEntries 1 --DropEmptyCycleEntries 1 --DropUnusedFrameData 1 --DropUnusedFrameEntries 1 --DropUnusedPaletteEntries 1 --ExportFrames "" --ExportFramesAsSequences 0 --ExportPalette "" --ExtraTrimBuffer 2 --ExtraTrimDepth 3 --FindBestRLEIndex 0 --FixPaletteColorErrors 1 --FLTSanityCutoff 720 --ForceShadowColor 2 --ForceTransColor 1 --IntelligentRLE 1 --ItemIcon2EE 1 --MaxRLERun 255 --OrderOfOperations PCE --ReduceFrameColumnLT 1 --ReduceFramePixelLT 1 --ReduceFrameRowLT 1 --ReplacePalette "" --ReplacePaletteMethod Quant --Rotate 0 --Save "BAM" --SearchTransColor 1 --SetXOffset "" --SetYOffset "" --SingleGIF 0 --TrimFrameData 1 --Unify 0 --VerifyOutput 0 --zopfliIterations 5000 --LogFile "D:\AutoHotkey Scripts\Alexander12 BAM\Log.txt" --OutPath "D:\AutoHotkey Scripts\Alexander12 BAM" "D:\AutoHotkey Scripts\Alexander12 BAM\CloakC_Sequence_0000_Frame_0000.bmp"
    del CloakC_Sequence_0000_Frame_0000.bmp CloakC_Sequence_0000_Frame_0001.bmp CloakC_Sequence_0001_Frame_0000.bmp

    I have installed ImageMagic and PS-Bam.

    So this is the whole path to transform original PNG to BAM with shadow? The original PNG is CloackA.png here?

    Couldn't you tell me please what is Log.txt?

    And BAT-file: i should create a txt-file, write there all these command-lines with proper locations of exe-files, and then change file's extension to BAT? And how can i run this file afterwards? What exe.file or program should i use?


  5. 8 hours ago, Sam. said:

    That was your BAM, I just showed how to set the trans color and locate it properly in the palette using DLTCEP.  As to the green halo:  again, this is caused by semi-transparent anti-aliasing with the background color.  Ideally, you should handle/account for this BEFORE importing it into DLTCEP.  There are a variety methods that can be used to accomplish this which could be discussed at length, but the actual implementation will remain dependent on which program(s) you use.  I can't figure out how to do what you want in DLTCEP, so if you insist on trying to fix the green halo with that tool, you'll have to look elsewhere for advice.

    Ok, thanks

  6. On 8/11/2020 at 5:48 AM, Bartimaeus said:

    When downscaling to an icon, I like to:

    1. Downscale using nearest neighbor to create a clean outline.
    2. Create a duplicate downscale using bicubic sharper instead.
    3. Create a third non-sharp bicubic downscale and do a 25% paste over the sharp version because bicubic sharper is good at getting the details, but is usually just a little bit too sharp for pleasant viewing (...and this method creates a better result than trying to do like gaussian blur after the fact or something).
    4. Paste the contents of the bicubic downscale inside of the nearest neighbor outline (selecting only pixels that are occupied, ignoring transparent or green pixels in order to still have a clean outline with no pesky green anti-aliasing artifacts).
    5. Tweak the outline as necessary - there may be a few pixels where there shouldn't be anything, or maybe there's a few pixels that are transparent/green that shouldn't be, fill/remove them as necessary.

    Thanks for advice

  7. 22 hours ago, temnix said:

    Initiate the transvocational coolant protocol, amplify delta to the nth velocity and depropagate the nunchaki-dependant hydrovotaticon. 🙄

    Just start making these images big, draw them big or blow them up to 500% so that you can use Paint's brushes for shading without having to squint at pixels. Use broad strokes, then run a black watercolor brush around the ages to tint them down, finally fill the background with black, exit and resize the image. The black will blend by itself with the nearest colors naturally, and pure black will remain for transparency. Paint isn't a perfect painting tool for sure, but it's the simplest. The only effects I haven't managed there was if I wanted a gradual change of lighting across an image. For that I import the images to ArtRage.

    Thanks for an idea, i'll keep it in mind

  8. On 8/11/2020 at 5:17 AM, Sam. said:

    To do this in DLTCEP, you'll want to go to Tools->Uncompress all, then Palette->Edit Palette.  Next, find the index of your background color.  In your case it is Color # 107 which is RGB(0,254,0).  Note that it SHOULD HAVE BEEN RGB(0,255,0).  Go ahead and correct that now.  Then enter that number into the "Transparent index" box:


    Then go to Palette->Order Palette.


    It varies, see above for steps to do it in DLTCEP (setting transparent index and ordering palette). 


    Thank you, this is truly a revelation for me. I didn't know it. I did it, but there is still green edge on your screen here and here too, in another example, this is a description icon  of another item, but the matter is the same:


    I edited one green color, but what should be done with other green colours? In this way i had to edit all of them to 0-255-0? DLTCEP doesn't allow to change them to 0-255-0. And they are not 0-254-0, for example this one is 11-233-05. The base colour of background was 0-255-0 here. I understand, that you advice another method, but i'd like to try and finish with this one first, if possible.


  9. 17 hours ago, Sam. said:

    The ImageMagick portions may look complicated, but most of it is just for Creating Shadows for Large Item Icons.  The PS BAM switches are mostly just to enable advanced compression.  The special ones to note in these cases are --BAMProfile "Zero", --BAMProfile "ItemIcon", and --ItemIcon2EE 1.  It creates three different BAMs for you to try, with the only input being your "Original.png".  Not a single pixel needs to be edited manually.  CloakA.bam is an EE-only single frame item icon with transparency, but it does not include a shadow.  One could certainly be added, and the process would be similar to the next two examples.  (You can remove "-sample 64x64^>" from the second line to keep the original size, although it will be bigger than other cloaks in the game.) CloakB.bam offers the best compatibility with both EE and classic games, has no transparency in the palette, and includes the shadow on the large icon.  CloakC.bam is a hybrid of the two, including a shadow and no transparency, but the "small" icon with no shadow is as large as what is normally displayed in the EEs.  Attached are the three BAMs.  Compare mine to the ones you made and let me know what you think.  I'll try to answer any questions.


    Alexander12 BAM.rar 10.93 kB · 2 downloads

    Thank you very much, for you advices and help. I will compare and check these BAMS, but according to your screen, everything is perfect. I have downloaded them. But first i'd like to find out what is going wrong with DLCP.

  10. 11 hours ago, temnix said:

    Dude, just do like I told you. Open your cloak in Paint, flood the background with white for the black edge to stand out, remove the edge carefully with the pencil tool. Now save the image as PNG, exit Paint, convert the PNG to 256 colors and import it into Near Infinity's BAM editor. Forget BAM Workshop.

    Couldn't you tell me please, which of these tools in Near infinity can do it and where is BAM editor here? I can't find this option.




  11. 14 hours ago, temnix said:

    There is nothing wrong with a 256-color palette. All of the games used only so many colors for their characters, items and backgrounds. On your example picture you simply have too few colors, period, it's not the fault of the palette. I would guess that the spots are of some very dark color that isn't quite black. You can check this inside the BAM-editing tool of Near Infinity: click on "Palette" on the first tab and select all of the black-looking squares. You may find some that are actually 5-5-5 in the channels or something like that. In that case either set them all manually to 0-0-0 (and your first color, uppermost leftmost, must be 0-0-0 too, of course), or if there are too many you can go to the last tab and lower either Brightness or Lightness. You can also set a higher transparency threshold on the first tab, to something like 10 or 15%, temporarily. Now save the image, and the near-black colors will be replaced with black, which will be removed the next time you open the image. Return the threshold to 0% or increase Brightness/Lightness by as much as you reduced it to get the rest of the colors to their normal state.

    As to why these black artifacts appear, I can just tell you the procedure I use for making BAMs, which never gives me this trouble. I draw or open ready images in Microsoft Paint, then save them as PNG (actually, I have a few PNGs lying around at all times, so it's easier to just copy these and rename). These PNG files after Paint is done with them are always 24-bit color, and Near Infinity will refuse to import them, so you must first convert them in your image editor (mine is FastStone) to 256 colors. Now you can import them into Near Infinity.

    Yes, that is absolutely so. If an image has many colours, everything is Ok. But if it has a few colours, then spots appear.

  12. 13 hours ago, temnix said:

    There is nothing wrong with a 256-color palette. All of the games used only so many colors for their characters, items and backgrounds. On your example picture you simply have too few colors, period, it's not the fault of the palette. I would guess that the spots are of some very dark color that isn't quite black. You can check this inside the BAM-editing tool of Near Infinity: click on "Palette" on the first tab and select all of the black-looking squares. You may find some that are actually 5-5-5 in the channels or something like that. In that case either set them all manually to 0-0-0 (and your first color, uppermost leftmost, must be 0-0-0 too, of course), or if there are too many you can go to the last tab and lower either Brightness or Lightness. You can also set a higher transparency threshold on the first tab, to something like 10 or 15%, temporarily. Now save the image, and the near-black colors will be replaced with black, which will be removed the next time you open the image. Return the threshold to 0% or increase Brightness/Lightness by as much as you reduced it to get the rest of the colors to their normal state.

    As to why these black artifacts appear, I can just tell you the procedure I use for making BAMs, which never gives me this trouble. I draw or open ready images in Microsoft Paint, then save them as PNG (actually, I have a few PNGs lying around at all times, so it's easier to just copy these and rename). These PNG files after Paint is done with them are always 24-bit color, and Near Infinity will refuse to import them, so you must first convert them in your image editor (mine is FastStone) to 256 colors. Now you can import them into Near Infinity.

    Thank you, i'll try.

  13. On 8/7/2020 at 12:36 AM, Sam. said:

    This is suspicious.  Can you please send me the BAM that DLTCEP can't open?  Also, make sure you are using the latest version of BAMWorkshop and DLTCEP (v7.8.0.2 at the time of posting).

    BAMWorkshopII has its uses, but it also has many bugs which make it a real pain to use.

    I have my suspicions about what is happening here, but without the actual images to investigate further it's hard to be sure.  If you could send me your original PNG image, the image placed on the black background, the resized image, and the BAM you created, I might can give more detailed suggestions.  However, I don't have photoshop and I don't use DLTCEP to create BAMs, so if you're looking for a step-by-step guide on how "I" would do it, it'll involve different tools.  How do you feel about command line tools?  Is this for an item icon or something else?

    Yes, thank you very much, i have sent it in message.

    I have installed the latest version of BAM workshop, and DLTCP open files from it now, but it's background  is not transparent(.

    Command line tools? You mean WEIDU? Oh, this is a dark wood  for me now.

    Yes, this is an icon for inventory item. 

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