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The Artisan

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Posts posted by The Artisan

  1. On 5/30/2022 at 3:52 PM, temnix said:


    And with Baldur's Gate and the rest we are all way past the point when they were new to us in any degree - especially if people don't aim high to create new adventures, come up with surprising plots or mechanics. I cannot read about another red-headed scoundrel girlfriend or a dark, doomed hero. Make new magic or disappear - that's what I believe in. And no matter what people here may think about my "leaving" again and again but always staying, I will indeed do that for real soon. I gave five years of my life to modding these games.

    Fuck off. Just fuck off. Get. Fucking. Real. I’ve been at this for seven years, I’ve produced more technically complex content in a week than you have your entire modding career. You know what I never thought? About how shit everyone else’s mods are and that they should be trying mine because they’re not appreciated enough. Because I don’t look at everyone else like they’re the problem. The first thing I had to come to terms with was that I can’t force my vision on others and I’m not entitled to jack shit. I don’t go around force feeding other people shit sandwiches and then whining that they just can’t appreciate the flavor profile.

    You don’t like that? Door’s over there. Don’t get hit on the way out. But you’ll coming back because you will be forgotten the moment you stop slinging shit for attention and your little ego could never handle that.

    Edit: by the way I’ve seen your mods. I thought your stance on prefixes was already indicative of your garbage mentality, but the fact that you do shit like use BEGIN on existing dialog files to completely override them with no consideration for other mods makes it extremely difficult for me to appreciate you attempting to shove your poorly executed vision down other peoples throats.

  2. The Artisan's Corner

    Sirene NPC has been updated for both her BG:EE and BG2:EE content. This update adds a new soundset voiced by CateM, an update to the Martyr kit in line with recent changes to The Artisan's Kitpack, and adds a reputation check and change for her initial joining.

    Download link (BG:EE)

    Download link (BG2:EE)

    Mod page (BG:EE)

    Mod page (BG2:EE)

    Discord (contact me for issues, feedback or suggestions)

  3. The Artisan's Corner

    The Artisan's Kitpack has been updated to version 2.3. This update fixes a few text issues with the Monk Revision component, enables half-orc monks, adds a component for applying the Arcane Archer and Arcane Archer / Mage kit for Skitia's Emily, and adds a new kit - Red Wizard - for Edwin.

    • Monk Revisions: Fixed some text issues in non-BG2EE games on Stunning Fist and monk fist items
    • Monk Revisions: Enabled half-orc monks with custom inventory paperdoll (thanks to Lava Del'Vortel)
    • Removed original blackguard abilities from Dorn
    • Fixed broken Arcane Archer / Mage component
    • Added subcomponent for Arcane Archer and Arcane Archer / Mage kit to Skitia's Emily
    • Added Red Wizard (Conjurer) kit for Edwin

    Download link (github)

    Mod page

    Discussion (Beamdog Forums)

    Discord (contact me for issues, feedback or suggestions)

  4. This tweak mod is an assortment of personalized tweaks meant to add more mechanics and quality of life to the game. v2.0 adds two major features, one being an update to the Racial Tweaks component to add more diverse benefits to playable races, and the second being a new component: Stat-based bonus spell slots. WARNING: These two components make use of a constantly-running spell effect to dynamically update all creatures in the running area to grant appropriate bonuses. While it has been tested to ensure there are no major slowdowns or freezes, there may be unintended performance issues on other systems that I am unable to account for beforehand. Those encountering problems should contact me to confirm the possible issue and use the previous version (v1.91) instead.


    • Added stat-based spell slots component
    • Updated Racial Tweaks component
    • BG2-Dorn's +2 CHA changed to CON
    • Removed AC penalty for two-handed style non-proficiency
    • Added reputation increase for IWD component

    Download link (github)

    Download link (v1.91 - revert to this version if new components cause issues)

    Mod page

    Discord (contact me for issues, feedback or suggestions)

  5. The Artisan's Corner

    The Artisan's Kitpack has been updated to version 2.2. The major additions to this update are components for rebalancing the Monk, the Inquisitor and the Barbarian, and otherwise contains some minor balance changes, quality of life improvements, and externalizing the various modular options within the mod into subcomponents for smoother installation.

    – Added Monk Revision component
    – Added Inquisitor and Barbarian revisions
    – Externalized all NPC kitting options into subcomponents
    – Replaced Elementalist's Delayed Blast Fireball with Acid Storm from IWD
    – Cernd may now be rekitted into an Elementalist
    – Trickster's innates and bonuses now scale up to level 40

    Download link (github)

    Mod page

    Discussion (Beamdog Forums)

  6. Take temnix’s statements with a grain of salt. He’s got an inflated ego and is constantly bitter that his mods aren’t put on a pedestal just because he says they should be. The good mods have their reputation and you’ll find them just by asking.

  7. If you mean a weapon which only does damage through opcodes, to make a weapon that only does fire/cold/magic damage etc., there's one already in the EE (the Voidsword +3). It's set to 0d0 with no damage bonus and deals damage via a bonus magic damage opcode instead. The only problem is that critical hit damage and strength bonuses don't apply by default.

  8. I’m a writer at my core. Modding is only one of various mediums I use to write. And I believe the effect of my first work can be even greater than something gameplay-related.

    My first attempt at writing an NPC mod was, I believe, sometime during 2012-13. The idea wasn’t too bad, but I was still too inexperienced to have any sort of direction in writing. Then Sirene for BG1 was completed during 2015. Somehow she became reasonably successful and is reasonably well known among mod users. But she’s also become the entry point for new viewers of my writing, which is something of a double-edged sword. For legacy and time reasons, her writing will probably never be changed, so the first thing many people will experience is probably going to be the quality of my writing in 2015. I don’t think my skill at writing back then holds a candle to what it is now, so there is a constant feeling like my past work is holding me back.

    To be fair, the fact that I haven’t finished any BG2 content for anyone but Sirene probably plays a big factor, and I probably missed my time for when completing my work would have had a bigger effect.

  9. 42 minutes ago, ahungry said:

    I never did D&D other than 2nd edition, so I'm not really familiar with the whole, "no such thing as an evil race" that I've seen mentioned recently in discussions about 5E, but Drow are definitely and inherently evil - Drizzt is a plot-armored exception - it's literally his whole shtick - the "Good" Drow.

    Source? Drizzt isn't the only canonically non-evil drow out there. Zaknafein his father was a good drow. Liriel is a good drow. There's a whole religion centered around good drow converting others, which was the actual reason Eilistraee joined the Dark Seldarine to begin with. She was a goddess in 2e according to material too, so there's no retcon there either.

    Several books detail how authoritarian drow culture is and how young drow go through a very lengthy series of indoctrination into becoming evil. There's nothing inherent or supernatural about it. It's fascism.

    Edit: and to keep things on topic, if you don't get attacked by random civilians for having Viconia there is no reason in gameplay for it to happen to player characters. It's just annoying.

  10. 51 minutes ago, mario said:

    Given that there's so many fixes for various things and extensions for this and that one could assume that the game was treated badly by its original developers for instance,

    No, it's because quality control in the end of the 20th century and early 00s was less defined, hardware and software was more primitive, and patches weren't as easy to distribute. Glitches and exploits were common. They still are, but they were common enough back then that people treated them more as features and celebrated them if it wasn't something utterly game-ruining. That, and peoples' idea of 'fixes' is frequently subject to bias from gamers who have a personal definition of how the game should be as shown from the multitude of tweaks describing themselves as 'fixing' changes in the EE.

    More on topic, you should not even be thinking of a mega-install if you haven't had a thorough enough experience in the game. Just don't. Even if there are mods that provide more for the game without negatively impacting anything, it's still good form to experience the game with all its flaws and all. Play the game once, then start with a few select mods that interest you. And if you run into something that markets itself as the EE Setup Tool, avoid like the plague.

  11. This could be a useful resource albeit I see some gaps. Aura-BG1 and Sirene-BG2 are not present despite there being parts in the notes that acknowledge they exist. 

    In addition it makes me very uncomfortable to see any interactions with my work and Roxanne’s to be listed as crossmod as I was neither given notice nor input and therefore I would not call it crossmod given it is entirely their creation and I do not want to be associated with a level of writing which would be lucky to be called juvenile at best. Personal bias though, and I cannot define what constitutes crossmod.

  12. The Artisan's Corner

    This mod adds a new party member available for BG:EE and BG:SoD. Aura Glimmershine is a young lawful good-aligned gnome artificer and inventor from the island nation of Lantan. She has a custom-made Artificer thief kit and has a friendship and romance path.

    Version 3.4 includes the following changes:

    • New soundset, voice acted by Zhephyre. Original soundset by Kait can still be installed as an optional component.
    • Rebalanced artificer kit
    • Fixed EET bug that causes Aura to use her SoD player-initiated dialog in BG1
    • New visual effects for abilities
    • New inventory icons for a few items
    • Slightly revised biography
    • Added Death Ward effect to magatama
    • Reduced Aura’s starting experience from 1000 to 500
    • Reduced the number of Sunshooter arrows created per cast
    • Rebalanced the Sunshooter’s configurations – Rapid mode is slightly weaker, Precise and Power mode are stronger
    • Added new timer between talks based on game time
    • Increased real time delay between talks from 45 to 60 minutes

    Download link (github)

    Mod page

    Discussion (Beamdog Forums)


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