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Mod Compatability Query

Guest Bram

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Guest Bram

I'm attempting to download some Mods. I successfully used these a couple of years ago, but obviously, new tweaked versions now exist and I would like to use those.


The mods I'm trying to use are:


The Darkest Day1.0.3

Tortured Souls 6.11

Big Picture: 1.77


I've done a full install of BG2 and ToB (I hate changing CDs) have then patched it with the ToB patch from the publisher. I've then added "BG2 Throne of Bhaal Fixpack1" and BG2 Throne of Bhaal Game Text Update 12" and Ascension V1.4 (in that order). I got this initial order from a Bioware site that suggested that order exactly, obviously, I'm willing to admit this could be wrong.


If I load TDD first, TS won't even load

If I load TS and then TDD, TS seems to load fine but doesn't seem to work

It doesn't seem to matter when I load BP....


Am i wasting my time, are these utterly non-compatible or is there a way of making them work. :)

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Guest Bram

Thanks for this, I'll take a look when i get home from work. Just one query, is there a specific order I should load them up in?

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I'm attempting to download some Mods. I successfully used these a couple of years ago, but obviously, new tweaked versions now exist and I would like to use those.


I hate to disappoint you, but the latest versions of TS and TDD are just as horrible as the older ones. The NPCs are still essentially mute, the 'new' areas are still recycled, the grammar in TDD is still... TDD, and Mr Crash To Desktop still visits regularly.

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TS has a great story lines and NPC talk alot (voiced too) and many areas not from BG games (some IWD areas). Vlad, Domi, and Horred did a great job with the mod. Yes, TDD NPCs don't talk, you don't need to use them and yes alot of reused areas. "the grammar in TDD is still... TDD", I'm sure it is. It is far from the best large mod out there, but I like it. I very well might not have good taste. :)




and Mr Crash To Desktop still visits regularly.


The rest maybe ture, but this is not true! King Diamond cleaned up the Weidu versions.


If anything BP 1.77 has a few problems.

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Guest Bram

I liked the extra yoshimo et al quests in TS and i like the kits from TDD, but if I'm honest I'm not too sure what other bits belonged to what mods as i played them all together.


If anyone has any suggestions for other mods that are easy to use, compatible and limited in bugs I would be very interested. Mostly I'm looking for the removal of the level cap, a couple of new quests, some new kits and some new items.


any suggestions would be nice. I'll confess to being a bit of an idiot in this field

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