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Amber and evil parties

Guest Morghul

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Guest Morghul

Couple of questions, if you don't mind :) :


Does being of evil alignment have any effect on the romance? (I mean for example if you had an evil alignment but acted good in all your actions, would there be any difference with romancing a good-aligned person?)


Do certain evil actions cause her to leave the party? (Siding with Bhodi for example?)


If she romances player 2, do the evil actions of player 1 have an effect on the romance? (Besides her leaving the party at low rep.)


Will she romance player 1 in a low-reputation party (but above breakpoint)?


Will she romance player 2 in a low-reputation party (but above breakpoint)?


Does the happy-patch prevent her from leaving the party at low reputation?

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Couple of questions, if you don't mind :) :


Does being of evil alignment have any effect on the romance? (I mean for example if you had an evil alignment but acted good in all your actions, would there be any difference with romancing a good-aligned person?)


If you treat her good, she'll romance even an evil PC.


Do certain evil actions cause her to leave the party? (Siding with Bhodi for example?)


No, but some actions might affect how well she likes the PC (allying with Bodhi is not one of them, though). IIRC if you refuse to help the little ghost Wellum(sp?) in the graveyard that will affect negatively on how well she likes you. If the variable tracking that attribute drops low enough, she will break the romance and eventually leave. However the romance breakpoint is set so low that it's highly unlikely that that will ever happen.


Naturally a low reputation will cause her to leave.


If she romances player 2, do the evil actions of player 1 have an effect on the romance? (Besides her leaving the party at low rep.)


In general no. The relationship between the protagonist and player2 might, though. Amber does not think well of a person that blindly follows someone else.


Will she romance player 1 in a low-reputation party (but above breakpoint)?


Will she romance player 2 in a low-reputation party (but above breakpoint)?


Yes, but low reputation will cause the starting value of the variable that tracks how well she likes the player (1 or 2), to be lower than in a party with a good reputation. In turn high charisma (of the romance partner) will yearn a higher starting value.


Does the happy-patch prevent her from leaving the party at low reputation?


I'm not sure how happy patch works. However, I don't think that it'll prevent Amber from leaving since she will initiate two dialogues due low reputation (one warning and one after which she leaves).

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Well, that answers the one question I had about this mod. I NEVER side with the Shadow Thieves in the Guild War, no matter how good I am. Whew.


(Not ready to download the mod....yet. Next run through.)

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