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Bard AI Script for BG2 / BGTutu


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I was directed here from the Bioware forums by a friend who said that when it comes to mods and scripts etc., then G3 is the place to go, =P. The reason I am here, is because even though I know a good bit about games and their mods, I am just not cut out for the whole... If this.... Then that... way of writing AI scripts for Baldur's Gate.


Anyway, I was wondering if anyone here could help me out by writing me a script that will be compatible for BG 2, and BGTutu, for bards. It is a very simple script, as I found it to be very tedious constantly re-commanding my bard in game to do simple things. Here are the 3 specifications I have for the script.


-Defensive Attack Mode

-Always Playing Battle Song

-If bard is ordered to attack, start playing song again after battle


If anyone out there would be willing to take the time to make me a simple AI script that could run as close as possible to these specifications, I would be GREATLY appreciative. Since script files are fairly small in size, of course I will provide my email so that the file can be attached and sent to me there. Thanks again to everyone who took the time to read this, and to those who take the time to help me. Thanks a bunch. God Bless, and Later Days....... =P

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Here you go:


// Retaliate if attacked by a melee opponent

ActionListEmpty()  // If I'm not doing anything currently
AttackedBy([EVILCUTOFF],DEFAULT) // and an enemy just attacked me
LOS(LastAttackerOf(Myself),4) // and the enemy who last attacked me is in melee range and I see him
	AttackReevaluate(LastAttackerOf(Myself),15)  // Attack the opponent who last attacked me

// Sing Battlesong when idle

ActionListEmpty()  // If I'm not doing anything currently
!ModalState(BATTLESONG)  // and I'm not singing a battlesong already
	BattleSong() // start singing a battlesong


BTW, this is a very basic script. If you want some advanced player AI scripts check out Cirerrek's or Yovaneth's stuff.

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Thanks a ton. Being that I just discovered Baldur's Gate, and pretty much every other IE game made this year, at the age of 20. I have tons of exploring and learning to do. I have only completed SoA once, and have not even looked at ToB, nor completed BG1 yet. I also have a lot of work to do on IWD, IWD2, PS:T, and the Fallout Series.


Thanks for pointing out that Scripting Guide to me. I will be sure to check it out. Hopefully soon enough, I will be contributing to the G3 Mod community and become a new fresh member who will create some great mod that will make the IE games of the past, once again popular with the modern day gamer.


Anyway, thanks a bunch for your help. You really made my day. Thanks a bunch, and God Bless. Later Days....... =P

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