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BG1: Stretching the UI

Guest Luke

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Isn't that possible? I would really like to play through Baldur's Gate again, but I don't want to use anything like Trilogy. Planescape has a mod like that, but is it much work to create one for BG1? If I can help, I will.

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Like I said:


P.S. I 'crossposted' because I'd hoped one of the guys would be interested in this idea. I doubt The Bigg would've read this topic too.

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Yes, delete this, because you are acting like a jerk. I was only pitching an idea to see of The Bigg or Ghostdog would be interested and I offered my help. Secondly: I said it was a quote from the 'other' forum, SHS. So there is no 'fail' involved there.

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The fail is that you are saying you doubt the bigg will read this even if it is in his forum, in a thread he has already recently replied to. It is copy/paste fail because it was copied and pasted from the other thread.


Also, before you suggest my jerkery, a forum search for black boxes on screen will probably have covered more than both of these threads. In addition, I said to you at SHS that there is already a completed project for the Easytutu platform which actually supersedes BG1 in all respects.



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