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Pro from Fire/Cold/Acid/Elec/etc.


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I'm not sure whether this thread should belong to IR or SR so bear with me :hm:


Should those spells protect against weapon damage? Just a moment ago I saw folks talking about PFMW protecting against such effects but Stone Skin not. So unless the wizard is under 'immune to weapons' effect his casting can be interrupted very easily with arrows even if he has Stone Skin and Pro from Energy Type on.


I think that patching weapons to 'Cast spell on creature [146]' their previous damage converted into spells with power level 0 and secondary type 'macigal attack - 4' will work.

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Let's say I may work on this for IR V3.
Not manually, I hope? Because I wouldn't mention a global change like this without a working algorithm in mind.

Well, patching spells with a serie of protection from spell effects is easily done with a code (well, once items are patched because I need to know .spl names).


Patching items though is a more difficult task for various reasons (especially because of IR which introduces tons of special combat abilities):

- unique effects (e.g. IR's Hammer of Corrosion deals acid damage and reduces AC, and both effect should be stopped)

- different values (e.g. IR's Angurvadal deals ongoing fire damage, Duskblade's Creeping Cold ability should be taken into account too, and so on)

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