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0xd8 level drain/0x1af energy drain


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level drain (bg2) affects:


hp (?), max hp(?), level, saving throws, lore, thieving skills (based on what the class offers)



energy drain (iwd2) affects:

hp (-5x), max hp(-5x), saving throws


Both store the level count in parameter1.

Parameter2 seems to be completely ignored.


BG2 level drain uses parameter3 to decrease the MaxHp, and parameter4 to decrease level.


I don't know what sets those parameters (they are not stored in an effv1 structure).


BG2 has some invulnerability mechanism against level drain (the same as against damage). - 0x6424

And another which is unique to level drain. -0x664c


The first mechanism is most likely coming from avatar types (children, volo, etc cannot be harmed by avatar type).

I don't know anything about 0x664c.

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BG2 level drain uses parameter3 to decrease the MaxHp, and parameter4 to decrease level.


I don't know what sets those parameters (they are not stored in an effv1 structure).

They get set in the "apply hook" of the effect (offset 0x0C 0x10 in the effect vtable, the one for level drain is at 0x53413a).


This actually led me to the point where the game rolls the hp and this was really weird, like: roll two random values (1dX) and if 1 is lower than 2 roll again and if not roll again, too.

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