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Help please :/


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I'm new here... I have all the Infinity Engine games except for Planescape: Torment. Anyway, I've been playing the IE games for a while, occasionally using the great mods on this site. I just got IWD2 recently, and I don't know if I'm in the right place for this, but I tried installing xpcapper by Avenger to raise the level cap (so I can get to lv 20 in two classes). However, after downloading and extracting into my IWD2 folder, I try to run it but get this message:

"The file does not exist or is already backed up!"

What does this mean? How can I install it? I would really like to be able to reach lv 20 in two classes, it's sort of a dream for me :) I've been playing DnD for a long time and have never been able to do this.

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"The file does not exist or is already backed up!"

This leads me to believe you either didn't extract it to the proper directory, or that you've already ran the patcher.


Alternatively, it might be security-related, if you're running Vista.

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I'm thankfully unfamiliar with both Vista and 7, but as I understand it, the OS doesn't like you mucking around with files installed in the Program files directories, which are the default install directories for the IE games.


Do a search around the forums for problems with Vista, UAC, and the like. Or just reinstall the game in a different directory and see if it helps. You did patch the game, yes? (I would also suggest the unofficial patch as well as the extended tables mod if you wish to get the best of the XPCapper).


FWIW, I have Avenger's capper and had no problems with it.

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