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GemRB V0.6.4 released!

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GemRB V0.6.4 released



GemRB is a portable open-source implementation of Bioware's Infinity Engine. It was written to support pseudo-3D role playing games based on the Dungeons & Dragons ruleset (Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale series, Planescape: Torment).


Since the last release was several months ago, this one brings both a bagful of bugfixes and some new noteworthy features. A lot of work has gone into unhardcoding the Planescape projectiles and the Modron maze, but there are still some big roadblocks on the way to make PST work properly. Then there was an assortment of improvements to spellcasting, implementing various casting failures and wild magic.

There were also a few usability improvements - the game type can now be autodetected and the free BG2 demo can be used to try GemRB without installing any of the full games. This is also the first release with the Android port included.


For a detailed changelog check this thread.

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